DEAR LEFTISTS: Where Are YOUR Memorials To Historically Successful Black Americans?
15 years ago someone began video recording your life. Every word and action were recorded day after day for fifteen long years. The camera never blinked. The audio was never muted.
The footage was used to make a one-hour documentary. About you.
The producer, however, doesn’t like you. And so he edited out everything good you ever said and did. Instead, he retained only the very worst of worst of your deeds and actions.
The one-hour documentary about you includes your temper tantrums, your lies, your rudeness; your most vile acts.
The producer carefully crafted the documentary. He made it appear that your horrific behavior was typical.
As anticipated, those who watch the documentary about you are convinced you are the epitome of evil. They conclude you are arrogant, self-serving, violent, and hot tempered.
That is how liberals write American history.
They ignore our nation’s goodness and focus exclusively on its evils.
Imagine, again. You were attacked a few years ago. The assault was captured on video. You successfully defended yourself. However, the producer edited out the attack. Viewers only see you pummeling the thug. It appears that you are attacker.
Again, that is how liberal historians portray America. It’s how they portray Western culture.
Here’s an example.
Most of us have seen statues honoring Rosa Parks. Few have seen memorials honoring Crispus Attucks.
Why is that?
Liberal historians saturate our minds with black social justice warriors. They seldom give place to black patriots or successful black Americans.
There is a reason.
Liberals want us to believe that black Americans are victims; that they have always been victims of white racism.
• Consequently, every school child knows Rosa Parks. Almost none know that the first American to be killed in the Revolutionary War was Crispus Attucks; a black man.
• Also edited out of American history is Hull Anderson.
Anderson lived in antebellum North Carolina. In 1830 he established a successful shipyard in the town of Washington and later established himself as a successful farmer.
Anderson was black and successful…
• W. H. Houser was born in North Carolina fifteen years after Anderson established his ship-building business. In 1865 he began one of the most successful masonry businesses in Charlotte. As a master brick layer and manufacturer, he employed nearly 100 men and was contracted to provide bricks for the county jail, several mills, and numerous other structures.
There are no memorials, to my knowledge, of this successful black businessman.
• You will likely never see a memorial honoring James Forten.
Liberals don’t want you to know this industrious black businessman amassed a small fortune as a sail maker in the early 1800s in Philadelphia.
• Also edited from the pages of most American history books is Paul Cuffee.
Cuffee was a successful business owner during America’s colonial era. He was of African and American Indian descent. As a youth, Cuffee became a skilled mariner and leveraged his talent to build a massive shipping enterprise.
• Stephen Smith, a black business owner, amassed an inflation-adjusted fortune of $13.5 million by 1857. Smith established his lumber business as a young man in Pennsylvania.
• Are there statues honoring William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr.?
Leidesdorff was a pioneer who migrated to California in 1841. This man of African descent amassed an inflation-adjusted fortune of about $20 million. Besides building the first hotel in San Francisco, Leidesdorff established a successful ship yard and lumber yard. He was also the city’s first treasurer.
• I wonder if there are statues commemorating the philanthropy of Gabriel Bernard and Marie Couvent. This power couple of the early 1800s made their fortune in the carpentry business in Louisiana. Their charity financed the Institute Catholique in New Orleans, a school for orphaned black children.
Marie, by the way, was born in West Africa and brought to the Americas as a slave.
• Clara Brown was a black pioneer who earned her keep on the wagon train by cooking and doing laundry for her fellow travelers. Once established in Colorado, she opened a successful laundry and invested in real estate. Brown owned more than twenty properties.
There are, of course, many other stellar black Americans who have been edited out of our cultural memory. The reason is simple: Liberal historians want us to believe a very distorted view of American history. Their “documentary” includes slavery and Jim Crow, but omits the phenomenal lives of successful black Americans who deserve to be canonized alongside of — or perhaps instead of — Rosa Parks.–nZinwMUY
Image: Commemorative plaque of William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr.; (CC BY 2.0);