Life Hacks: How To Stay Sane In Our Polarized World
Politics is weapons-grade cynicism. Note: It’s always been this way.
So we don’t lose our collective minds and souls, it helps to pause, step back, and refocus on the larger issues. Many years ago, I wrote the following list that I put up on our refrigerator as a reminder to me and my family. Some of these were taken from Thomas Stanley and William Danko’s book The Millionaire Next Door. I hope this helps you.
1. Be tough; life is
2. Never say “poor me” or feel sorry for yourself
3. Flush
4. Put things back where they belong, and put them back properly
5. Say “yes” to those who need help, before they ask
6. Family is all important, and your best and last refuge to the outside world. Treat membership with honor and utmost care
7. Never compare yourself to others; it shows lack of faith, and ingratitude for what God gave you
8. Live with enough fear to keep you alive, but not so much that you do not live
9. Learn to say “please” and “thank you” frequently. Two reasons for this:
• It’s the right thing to do
• The more you say these things, the more people will want to give you
10. Learn to sincerely say, “I’m sorry,” and learn to know when to say it
11. To be successful, it takes little more than sweat and persistence behind an even average idea. Good luck befalls the hardworking
12. Seldom use the word “entitle”, preferably only when we are about to name something. In other words, earn what you want
13. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt; you have no idea what kind of day/life they’re having
14. You can’t do everything, so focus. At the same time, always have more goals written down than you could accomplish
15. Never eat the last of anything, unless given explicit and preferably written permission
16. With your true heart, believe in and talk frequently with God. The happiest people in this world do
17. If you choose to be positive about all things, you will be successful in all things. There is no other way
18. Remember that our impression is left on everything we touch. With the most menial to most monumental task, always do your best
19. Really communicate with others; don’t just wait for them to take a breath before you start in
20. It’s irrefutable that you take on the traits of your environment, so take great care in putting yourself in the right environment
21. Don’t worry that many times this world is full of crap. Guess what fertilizer is made of?
photo credit: Excerpted from Strapples Disabled Life & Sensory Autism The whole scene via photopin (license)