OBAMA: Touring The World For The Praise He Craves
Based on a history of verifiable narcissism, it’s probably fair to speculate that the 44th president’s impetus to hog the limelight is deeply rooted in his inability to deal with the rejection he’s been plagued with since Donald Trump was elected.
With that in mind, Obama’s ailing self-image has the best chance of accessing the balm of approval amongst friends. That’s why, just like he did during his presidency when travelling to Muslim countries to exalt Islam, Obama gravitates toward countries whose political viewpoint aligns with his own.
To soothe his ego, Barack seeks out choirs to preach to and audiences who believe he knows best. Apparently, the former president imagines his own legacy is exalted by insults, manipulating opinion, demanding worship, and disputing everything the current president says.
Obama’s pursuit of relevancy started in Milan Italy, at the Seeds&Chips Global Food Innovation Summit. It was there that the socialistic sage contributed to the event by planting seeds of discord and chipping away at Trump’s reputation. Obama’s advice to the agreeable was to vote for candidates who think like himself, lest “[They] get the politicians [they] deserve.”
Next, he was off to Germany.
At Brandenburg Gate “dear Barack” met up with the woman he spied on, Angela Merkel. In the company of like-minded colleagues, Barry soaked his wounded ego in the applause of social welfare devotees, globalists, refugees, and terrorists who took a break from raping and pillaging to cheer on a friend.
From there Barack headed north to Scotland. Instead of showing solidarity by golfing at Trump International Gold Links in Balmedie, Obama displayed his scrawny legs at the Old Course at St Andrews. Then, at a charity event attended by Trump-haters like First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, author JK Rowling and musician Annie Lennox, Obama assured a room full of fellow socialists that Scotland “has a lot to offer the world.”
Obama’s most recent seditious stop was closer to home.
To the delight of an audience of 6,000 Canadian enthusiasts, without uttering his name, the ex-president attempted to damage the integrity of the current president.
Rather than furthering North American unity, at an event hosted by the Montreal Board of Trade, Obama, whose politics exclude anyone who disagrees with him, expressed concern about Trump’s “extreme nationalism and xenophobia and politics of us-versus-them.”
To establish himself as the only person qualified enough to lead a divided world, Obama used the same language he used when community organizing a nation he worked hard to divide.
Warning Canadians to guard against fear and uncertainty, the former POTUS suggested Trump “because of fear and uncertainty” was willing to “violate our principals.”
By “our” Obama meant those who agree with Obama.
Then, to elevate the “Hope and Change” brand, America’s most disruptive forward-thinker told the audience in Montreal that “In times of disruption we may go backward instead of forward. We’re going to have to replace fear with hope.”
Leaving out the alternative facts, the guy who swore Americans could keep their doctor and that Benghazi resulted from a Youtube video said:
” And we’re in an environment where we are only accepting information that fits our opinions, instead of basing our opinions on the facts that we receive. And evidence and reason and logic.
Wasn’t it Barack Obama who recommended that “… it is time to focus on nation-building here at home”? Now he slams the “America first” mentality by suggesting, “We have to help other countries with their own development?”
By portraying the current commander in chief as a man in “a search for certainty and control,” the former POTUS implied that, rather than establish American exceptionalism, via “isolationism or nationalism,” Trump seeks to “roll back rights.”
By mentioning “communities and tribes” and by implying that Trump is in the process of convincing Americans to “retreat from obligations beyond our borders”, to steer the discussion, Obama instilled the sort of fear he supposedly rejects.
Getting applause from those who want anti-democratic global forces to control the planet must have made the irrelevant one feel relevant. Obama even argued that if globalists are not in control, the result could be “intolerance and tribalism and organizing … along ethnic lines.”
Aren’t “intolerance and tribalism and organizing … along ethnic lines” exactly the sort of divisions Obama generated during his tenure as president?
Tipping his community organizer hand, Obama, whose agenda furthered itself with disruption, told the crowd:
The disruptions that are happening globally are going to continue to accelerate. And what’s more, in an age of instance information, where TV and Twitter can feed us a steady stream of bad news – and sometimes fake news – it can seem like the international order that we’ve created is being constantly tested, and that the center may not hold.
Secretly, Barack Obama probably hopes international order doesn’t hold so that he and his band of globalists have an excuse to rush in and save the day!
Similar to how he sold Obamacare as being compatible with capitalism, Obama who is adept at making lies sound factual told the Canadian crowd, “We have shown that environmental sustainability and economic progress are not contradictory, but are complementary.” Who is “we”?
Using clever wordplay to wring love from the audience, Obama thrilled the crowd when he said that, “Even with the temporary absence of American leadership… [the Paris Accord] … still gives our children a fighting chance.”
Wait! Was Barack Obama suggesting that without his leadership all children join the unborn in not having a fighting chance?
Nevertheless, the “us versus them” ex-president suggested that the current president has a “What’s good for me and my immediate people is all that matters. Everybody else is on their own” attitude.
Look who’s talking!
And so, whether in Europe, Canada, or in the company of rich friends, Barack Obama has proven once again that his desperate efforts to vindicate his legacy are nothing more than an expression of his own dark thoughts, intentions, and spirit.
Image: Excerpted from: (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0); https://www.flickr.com/photos/94975828@N00/3946239278