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Christians — Can They Be Any Good As Patriots?

Patriotism, no matter where you live, is an act of love. Love for one’s fathers, neighbors, even for those neighbors we may, under adverse circumstances, think of as enemies.

This is one reason that a follower of Christ, anywhere on the globe, should be the best of citizens because we are told to honor our fathers and to love our neighbors, even if they become enemies.

The only exception to this rule is when father, neighbor, or enemy call us to an allegiance and a duty that is beyond that which we owe to Christ alone. And in that case it is, “Let the dead bury the dead,” and “One must hate father and mother…even self,” and “Come out from among them,” and, “Do I seek to please God or men?”

Those that hate God and shun his precepts can easily fall into hatred and loathing of their country because they feel no obligation to honor their forefathers or to love their neighbors.

The challenge for the patriot, however, is to refrain from an idolatry where love of country trumps our faithfulness to God.


Imagine you’re on a boat and it’s taking in water and you begin to bail desperately and you look around and people are just standing there so you yell at them to help, to do something before the boat flounders, but some are playing in the water, some are standing frozen with fear, and most are yelling at one another. It all seems so hopeless.

That is what it is like to live in America today.

But here’s the deeper truth: Christ is asleep at the back of the boat yet we have tried to save her ourselves rather than stir our Lord and allow him the glory to rebuke the waves.

While the Lord of the Storm is ignored, it matters little who bails and who watches — the outcome will be the same.

May America begin to bless God. I hope you had a wonderful Independence Day. Celebrate freedom and more importantly, worship God.

photo credit: US Army Africa Memorial Day Ceremony – North Africa American Cemetery and Memorial – May 31, 2010 via photopin (license)

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John Kirkwood

John Kirkwood is a son of Issachar. He is a Zionist, gun-toting, cigar-smoking, incandescent light bulb-using, 3.2 gallon flushing, fur-wearing, Chinese (MSG) eating, bow-hunting, SUV driving, unhyphenated American man who loves his wife, isn't ashamed of his country and does not apologize for his Christianity. He Pastors Grace Gospel Fellowship Bensenville, where "we the people" seek to honor "In God we Trust." He hosts the Christian wake up call IN THE ARENA every Sunday at noon on AM 1160 and he co-hosts UnCommon Sense, the Christian Worldview with a double shot of espresso on He is the proud homeschooling dad of Konnor, Karter and Payton and the "blessed from heaven above" husband of the Righteous and Rowdy Wendymae.