Dear CNN: Jake Tapper Airs Fake National Enquirer Cover As Being Real – Is That ‘News?’
Yo, CNN, you’re supposed to REPORT the news, not BE the news.
CNN has been on a roll lately.
A fake story has been exposed causing ‘resignations’, the President continues to troll them online for pushing the Russia story, a Twitter audit shows that many of their followers are fake, and they’ve found themselves in the crosshairs of Project Veritas.
But did they learn?
There’s a new fake news story making the rounds.
This one wasn’t just posted on their website, though.
This was Jake Tapper’s show, The Lead.
Tapper used to be Senior White House Correspondent for ABC and was Moderator for the 2015 Republican Primary debate and the 2016 Republican Presidential debate in Miami.
He’s supposed to be an outstanding example of journalistic integrity. He’s won awards and received honors, published books, including a critically-acclaimed New York Times Bestseller.
So, this is a HUGE embarrassment.
Just five days after CNN laid off three journalists amid a ‘fake news’ scandal, the channel reportedly made another slip-up on Jake Tapper’s show.
On Friday Tapper reported on claims that the White House had told MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski to apologize for his negative coverage or suffer a National Enquirer ‘expose’ on their lives.
Unfortunately, the National Enquirer cover that was picked to illustrate the magazine’s often salacious content was completely fake, Page Six reported.
Source: Daily Mail
Here’s the fake cover:
The choice in cover was interesting, though.
They picked one targetting Ted and Heidi Cruz.
It’s not like they didn’t have enough to choose from.
Here’s what the crack ClashDaily team found on the Google machine in about 3 seconds.
Salacious enough for you?
Here’s an ‘old school’ cover:
Still gets the point across:
This one has some truth to it:
I don’t know if the Obamas are in a rocky marriage and just keeping it together for political aspirations.
*cough* Bill & Hillary *cough*
But he did ‘shame America’.
Over and over.
For 8 years. (And counting…)
And the Media (D) that includes Fraudulent News outlet CNN was complicit by never asking the hard questions, fawning over Barry, and giving every single scandal a pass.
But now, there’s a new Sheriff in town.
And he don’t take kindly to that kinda crap.
It’s about time that CNN gets exposed for the biased ‘news’ peddlers that they are.
Here’s what Wolf Blitzer’s show will look like soon:
The Media (D) collapsing on itself is great news for the American people.
Maybe, in the near future, Americans will have reporters that report the news instead of being the news.
Well, CNN, I’d like to say it’s been nice knowing you, but that would be a lie.
Because I’m not keen on ‘Fake News’.
Jeff Zucker needs to read this and get a copy to all of his employees:
The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male