Hollywood Mulit-Culti Advocates Isolate Themselves in California’s Whitest City
Here’s a trivia question:
Name the whitest city in California.
Answer? Malibu.
Here’s another trivia question:
Which California city is a hotbed of Hollywood liberals that advocate racial integration, open border immigration, and sanctuary jurisdictions?
Answer? Malibu.
Malibu was 91.5% white according to the 2010 census.
That smacks of abject hypocrisy. The very liberals who advocate multi-culturalism isolate themselves in insular Jim Crow neighborhoods where people of color are made to feel unwelcome. One would think these inclusive liberals would prefer to dwell in black housing projects where they could redistribute the multi-million dollar white privileges.
Oddly, Malibu city council voted earlier this year to declare their municipality a sanctuary city. Malibu law enforcement will not co-operate with federal immigration officials.
The problem is, of course, the only illegal aliens within the city limits are pushing lawn movers and toting weed whackers. It’s a veritable no-go zone for immigration enforcement officials because there is no reason to go there.
Here’s a third question:
Who are some of the Hollywood elites that have rested their heads in Malibu?
Ranker.com informs us that Malibu’s illustrious resident roster includes or has included:
• Ellen DeGeneres
Celebritynetworth.com reports Ellen’s annual income is about $75-million. Her net worth is $400-million. The number of Syrian refugees camped in her spare bedrooms is zero, as far as we can tell.
According to Zillow.com, Ellen bought her Malibu home in 2012 from Brad Pitt for $12-million, then sold it a year later for $13-million. Imagine being paid $1-million in one year for living in a house!
Vanityfair.com tells us the DeGeneres refuses to invite Donald Trump to appear on her popular daytime talk show.
When asked by Matt Lauer to explain, the site quotes her as saying:
“We need to look at someone else who looks different than us and believes in something that we don’t believe in and still accept them, and still let them have their rights.”
Maybe Ellen should seek someone who looks different from her to live right next door.
• Brad Pitt
Quick! Name all the illegal immigrants in America who became brain surgeons.
I can only think of one. That is Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, aka, Dr. Q.
Reports say that Brad is making a movie based on the life of Dr. Q. The movie has been in the works since 2007, reports say. The slant, no doubt, will convince gullible Americans that Trump’s “ill conceived” border wall will become a national disaster, discouraging countless thousands of neurosurgeons from wading across the Rio Grande.
Dr. Q came to the United States at age 19, learned English, and eventually established himself in a place of prominence.
Kudos to Dr. Q. However, we wonder why he didn’t simply follow the path to citizenship through legal means.
The question should be obvious: If Brad’s affinity for illegal aliens is so intense, why did he isolate himself in California’s whitest city?
In all fairness we must suppose Brad wouldn’t balk at having brown neighbors with Mexican accents; providing, of course, they’ve made millions in the healthcare industry.
• Kate Hudson
Pardon my ignorance, but I never heard of Kate prior to writing this article. That’s not to underrate her accomplishments, but to underscore my disdain for the Hollywood elite.
Kate fell into the spotlight of breitbart.com writer Kipp Jones back in 2016. The actress was apparently nonplussed when the name “Trump” was uttered during an interview.
According to Jones:
Hollywood starlet Kate Hudson, a high profile Hillary Clinton backer, appeared repulsed and offended at the mere mention of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump in an interview.
In an interview with U.K. network ITV on Wednesday morning, Hudson was asked about her support for Clinton, who she co-hosted a fundraiser for last fall in Los Angeles.
“To be one of the big name supporters of Hillary Clinton right from the off, like Katy Perry, was it a big decision to talk about that publicly?” interviewer Dan Wootton asked.
Hudson replied, “No. Of all of the candidates, she’s just the best person for the job. I don’t want anyone else … I’m terrified.”
Wootton interrupted, “What about Donald Trump?”
Appearing dumbfounded at the question, Hudson sat uncomfortably for a moment.
The actress then replied: “I mean, I don’t even know how to answer that question.”
Here’s another question Kate may not know how to answer: Why do bleeding heart white liberals find refuge in gated communities, then complain about President Trump’s MAGA wall?
Among the list of notable Malibuan celebrities whose names reportedly appeared on deeds, past and present, are:
Leonardo DiCaprio
Miley Cyrus
Jack Nicholson
Robert Downey Jr.
Tom Hanks
Steven Spielberg
Sean Penn
David Letterman
Bob Dylan
Robert Redford
Sally Field
Barbra Streisand
Danny DeVito
And in the Malibu ghetto:
Eddie Murphy
Whoopi Goldberg
Diana Ross
Janet Jackson
Halle Berry
Image: photo credit: celebrityabc Ellen DeGeneres Plastic Surgery via photopin (license)