Impeachment Hysteria: Don’t Let Maxine Waters’ Crap Stick
For our 40th wedding anniversary, Mary and I have been experiencing the grandeur and majestic beauty of God’s creation in Alaska. Did you know bald eagles are brown for 5 or 6 years before their head turns white? I was surprised by Alaska’s bountiful foliage and multicolored flowers. From towering glaciers to skies, mountains and seas painted in gorgeous blues by God, we saw numerous breathtaking beautiful scenes. In 1867, Secretary of State William H. Seward purchased our 49th state for only $7.2 million. It was a Trump-of-a-great-deal. Critics called the deal “Seward’s folly.”
In our cabin, I was jolted back to ugly reality by MSNBC, one of the three available TV news channels. Folks, I continue to be amazed by the level of hate that MSNBC has for Trump and their commitment to removing him from office.
Further blowing my beauty of Alaska high was a press conference in which despicable human being Maxine Waters announced Democrats’ plan to impeach Trump for criminal activities. There is not a shred of evidence supporting Waters’ accusations. Watching Maxine Waters stand at the podium lying through her teeth about all of Trump’s supposed crimes was disgusting. Waters and her Democrat minions are horrible enemies of the American people and must never be voted back into power again.
Trump has been totally awesome; fulfilling campaign promises and moving the ball forward towards making America great again. In only six months, Trump has dramatically chipped away much of Obama’s mountain of regulatory overreaches; created jobs; opted us out of an anti-American climate deal and restored power back to states and We the People.
Democrats/Leftists are out of their minds with rage, desperate to stop Trump’s swift and steady dismantling of Obama’s legacy of government tyranny.
This is why the Democrats and fake news media tag team continue the relentless promotion of their absurd lie that Trump used Russia to steal the election. 1.) It is impossible for Russia to tamper with our vote counting. 2.) Fake news media either under-reported Hillary’s multiple crimes and breaches of national security or told us they were no big deal. Fake news media thought it had successfully protected Hillary and duped voters, confident she would win in a landslide.
Hillary lost because she was a cold, calculating, tired, old hippie, wicked witch, Leftist who said it was okay to abort a baby moments before birth. Thank God, this vile woman is not seated in that powerful chair in our Oval Office.
Maxine Waters’ and her minions’ demanding that Trump be impeached is equivalent to throwing crap against the wall, hoping it will stick. For the Leftists’ impeachment scheme to work, they must destroy Trump’s popularity. Fake news media’s strategy is to flood the airways with empty accusations of criminal activity. They throw character assassination grenades at Trump 24/7. Fake news media bombards us with reports of supposed nationwide protests. Fake news media manipulate polls to create the illusion that Trump’s appeal is sinking. Fake news media is doing everything in its power to sell their lie that Americans regret voting for Trump.
A standard practice of Democrats and fake news media is to brand anyone who dares oppose their extreme socialist/progressive agenda a racist, stupid, corrupt or crazy. Leftists claim Trump is obviously crazy and must be impeached. So, because Trump is functioning like a savvy businessman rather that an impotent Republican, Leftists say he must be crazy. Sadly, we cannot count on wimpy Republicans to have our president’s back.
My fellow patriotic Americans, We the People are Trump’s firewall; the only thing blocking Waters’ and her minion’s impeachment crap from sticking. The good news is Waters and her homeys are clueless regarding our rock-solid connection with Trump and why he won our votes in an electoral landslide.
Leftists laughed, mocked and underestimated Ronald Reagan. Fortunately, they are repeating their mistake with Trump as he continues to kick their butts under their upturned noses.
During Trump’s run for the WH, I recorded a parody of the O’Jays’ “Love Train” titled, “Trump Train”. Folks, it is extremely crucial that we who elected our president stay firmly seated aboard the Trump Train.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Author: Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.
Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist
photo credit: Excerpted from: mark6mauno US Congresswoman Maxine Waters via photopin (license)