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Real Life Heroes in Our Day — Saving Lives in the War Zone

Dave Eubank and the Free Burma Rangers and Victor Marx and ATP (All Things Possible) Ministries do something special and critical…

They protect the Innocent
Defend the Defenseless
and rescue the poor from wickedness.

Those concepts come from Psalm 82:3-4 and define what my family and I seek when looking for ministries to give to … Candidates to vote for … And how to live our own lives in the Kingdom of God.

Dave Eubank went to our church in Colorado Springs before he and family went full time leading the Free Burma Rangers.

Here is a video and Fox Interview of my amazing friend saving a little girl in Iraq.

I know Dave through Victor Marx and ATP. The little girl landed at Victor and Eileen’s compound in Irbil. Here is a video of the little girl with Victor and Eileen.

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Share if you agree these folks define the true meaning of “hero”!


Clearchus is the author of three Science Fiction books: Sunigin, Insurgio and Certo (Available at Amazon) about the next Texas Revolution. He is a retired Army Field Artilleryman who was one of the last men in the U.S. Army to command an M110 8" Howitzer firing battery. He currently designs computer networks for commercial, non-profit, and government environments. Married for 32 years to the most gorgeous babe he knows, he and his wife have four kids. Their lives and perspectives straddle military assignments, combat tours, and mission trips across Europe, Asia, and the Horn of Africa.