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Is Killing the Current Republican Party A Good Thing?

The last most desperate attempt to derail the presidency of Donald Trump is to charge that he is “killing” the GOP.

This is designed to make the typical Republican voter groan “oh no” under their breath as they consider a world where Democrats rule over all three branches of the federal government.

But think about who’s levelling this charge? And more importantly, who really cares about a dead GOP?

It sure isn’t the voters, who in 1994 sent an irrelevant Republican leadership packing with the election of a “rowdy” group of new congressmen who called themselves revolutionaries. These people campaigned boldly to cut taxes at the expense of social programs, including a promise to cut back welfare.

Then again in 2010, as wishy-washy Republicans refused to attack the credibility of the most unknown president in American history, who campaigned on launching a national race riot and redistributing income through higher taxes. Voters once again sent a clear message to the GOP: get out.

By 2016, the outrage over Republican inability to fight back a political agenda that focused on higher taxes, body mutilation in order to reassign genders, and skin color political correctness over the real needs of a miserable eight-year economy, once again forced voters to send many in the GOP a pink slip and a message to get out of politics.

Voters saw unemployed neighbors enjoy free healthcare while they had to scrape together money to pay for health insurance, mandated by law, that increased up to 300% in some cases.

The voters certainly don’t care about killing a GOP that allows this to happen.

So who does suffer under a “dead GOP” (whatever that means)?

Donors, politically connected businesses, and a thriving and growing group of support staff who live off of a pretend tension between two parties, that’s who.

Indeed, killing the GOP is precisely why Donald Trump was elected.

The misunderstanding comes when some believe that the party itself will fall into a status similar to the Reform party of Libertarian party.

Even in Massachusetts, where around 15% of the population are Republicans, Scott Brown was able to piece together a Republican victory for the U.S. Senate, and the current governor is a Republican.

The slimy nature of politicians should not be misunderstood: the vast majority who are part of the mechanics of any party have no sense of ideology.

This means that no matter who is the president, who is “the party,” and who is in control, the vast majority of these people will remain. Don’t worry, the GOP will not be killed, it will just be changed.

So why the threat?

The media is so afraid of their inability to silence Trump, so afraid of a new GOP that could be built around this brutal honesty and directness, that they will do anything and say anything to derail the effort.

And the media knows something that we might not really understand fully as Republicans and conservatives: we are the only ones who can kill the presidency of Donald Trump.

The choice is ours, either kill the Trump movement or kill the GOP that made it happen.

Even if you don’t like Trump, no one is so blind to make the decision that we are better off without him.

photo credit: Excerpted from: GeraldGrote R.I.P. HBK via photopin (license)

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Ian Bayne

Ian Bayne is a former radio talk show host and political consultant. He is currently a small business owner living in central Illinois. Follow him on Twitter @ ianbayneisright