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The Emasculation of Men in Our New Society Presses on …

by Thomas Victor
Clash Daily Guest Contributor

Someone recently made this comment to me: “Watching women on TV news lamenting over men’s response seems hypocritical — to their undress, i.e., boobs and buns hanging out.”

You’ll never win an argument that suggests women need to dress a certain way so that men won’t sexually harass them.

Men need to get control of themselves and disregard their natural wiring. Breasts and butt cheeks hanging out, and thin, form-fitting clothing worn without undergarments, nipples popping — all good stuff in today’s society!

Hey, don’t be stupid, women dress this way because they DON’T want to look sexy or draw attention from men. It’s all good stuff, men just need to get their heads out of the gutter.

Now, to be serious: It’s just one more level of the emasculating of men in our NEW society. Maybe by the year 2050, men will no longer be able to get aroused by the sight of a naked woman? If things go perfectly in this new age, perhaps most men will all be gay and sperm banks will be a great investment? Auto-eroticism seems to be overtaking the women of the 21st century? It’s just another level of self-sufficiency in a women’s world.

To all men: we now live in a society where biology, natural law, commonsense and reality have all been taken out of the equation with regard to human sexuality and any discourse.

Image: Excerpted from: Paul Gavarni – [1], Public Domain,

Thomas Victor is a husband, father and business owner.

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