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News Clash

LIBERAL LOGIC: We Should Tear Down Confederate Statues And Replace Them With … THIS?!

In what sort of a diseased mind does an idea like this even BEGIN to make sense?

Oh, right. A Liberal one.

At a time where Liberals are practically tripping over themselves looking for reasons to disqualify the people we already have monuments for — even Lincoln’s was vandalized — they’ve picked a very unlikely ‘hero’ to honor.

Sure, he was a long-serving Democrat, a mayor and a black man. But you might think some of his personal failings might disqualify him from being worthy of something as significant as a statue.

But not in DC.

Mayor Marion Barry was best remembered by many for how he disgraced his office, not for how he ran it. But still, they want a statue of the man.

But will anyone be able to recognize him without a crack pipe?

Sources said that the mayor, who was arrested shortly after 8 p.m., smoked crack cocaine in the hotel room. The sources said the mayor was with a longtime female friend of the mayor who agreed to work with federal authorities.
Source: WaPo

Here’s the FBI video including the crack use and the arrest.

Sorry, did we say arrest? As in, singular?

No, no, no, no. That’s not right at all.

There was more than one arrest. Besides the drug uses, they even included (repeated) non-payment of income tax. Which is an especially dumb thing for a politician to be nailed with.

If we have a statue for Marion Barry, why shouldn’t we have one for all the great things Benedict Arnold did aside from that *one* stain on his career where he betrayed us?

Sounds stupid, right?

Well so does the suggestion that a Mayor TWICE arrested for drug and other infractions?

Funny you should ask…

You can get yours here.

This is a badass shirt, but guys aren’t the only ones that want to shout out THIS message.

Ladies — here’s one for you, too.

Is it just me, or is Hillary Clinton mental? In her recent, horrendous book, she blamed everyone from the moon and back for her loss in the 2016 Presidential election. She blamed Trump, hard-working Americans, sexism, self-hating women, news outlets, the ones that aren’t full of leftists, voter suppression, Russia, her own campaign staff, the DNC, campaign finance laws, the Electoral College and more. Crazy how she forgot the part that she’s a liar, she’s mental, and no one likes her.

So, rock on without her America, and get this fantastically hilarious shirt, which proclaims just how mental Hillary Clinton really is today!

And the best part? This shirt is made in the USA, printed in the USA, on an American-Made t-shirt press!

Does your grandpa go off on paltry politicians, whether they be Democrats or Republicans? Does he get misty eyed when he talks about God and Country and America’s future? And have you ever heard him scream, ‘Awww … Hell no!’ when Rosie O’Donnell starts yapping on television? If you answered yes to one, or all of the above, then your gramps will love Doug Giles’ latest book, My Grandpa Is A Patriotic Badass.

Don’t be fooled by the title — this ain’t just for Grandpa.
The Snowflake Generation — and the rest of America — needs a good ol’ dose of ‘Grandpa wisdom’.
Especially if that Grandpa is Doug Giles.
You’ll love My Grandpa Is A Patriotic Badass just as much as Grandpa will.

Share if you think celebrating Marion Barry is a dumb idea.