A Good Question For The Democrat Obstructionists…

The historic tax bill is finished and will soon be on President Trump’s desk.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are wailing and holding onto one another for support. It passed 224 Republican votes of yes to 201 no Democratic votes.
They seem to think EVERYONE is going to die. It is the end of the world! OH NOOOOO!!!!
They say the Republicans “jammed” this bill through and it is a disgrace how it was done. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/democrats-express-outrage-as-gop-tax-cuts-inch-closer-to-completion/ar-BBH3jnP?li=BBnb7Kz
(Brings to mind a bill the Democrats passed without a single Republican vote. The one Nancy Pelosi didn’t know what was in the bill, and that was why it had to be passed so they could find out. Of course, it changed the face of healthcare, and not for the better, but that was fine.)
Really? Why didn’t the Democratic Tax Bill get any consideration by the House and Senate?
What? There was NO alternative bill proposed by the Democrats?
What about the unattended meeting with President Trump to brainstorm about funding the government? The picture of two empty seats, placed in honor on each side of the President, speaks volumes of the willingness of the Democratic Leadership to EVEN talk civilly about solutions to the problems that face the United States. That was after Trump crossed party lines to get a deal with them on one of the last stopgaps in funding.
It is a given that they hate President Trump for being an outsider, for not accepting the status quo of business as usual in Washington, for representing his base and putting America first.
However, by the same token, that must translate to they hate the American people who sent Trump to Washington.
It seems that the Democratic Party has no agenda except to hate on every idea someone else comes up with and is determined to do nothing but harm to the country.
It is okay to disagree with others when ideas are not optimal, however opposition needs a plan of its own to present for consideration.
In conclusion, the last eight years of Democratic Leadership’s plan was to give us tax and spend, a larger deficit than all of the previous administrations combined, corruption, out of control immigration, rewards to non-producers and non-existent economic growth.
Their 2018 agenda seems to consist of hate, resistance and obstruction.
Remember that when going to the polls in November.
Ask yourself, who was looking out for the forgotten citizens of the middle class the last eight years?
It certainly was NOT the Democratic Party, nor will it be.
Image: CC by SA-2.0; Excerpted from: https://www.flickr.com/photos/number7cloud/31807851823