This Trump Merry Christmas Tweet Is PERFECT – Share It If You LOVE It!

We’ve been waiting for it and so has our President. The grand moment has arrived, and it’s wonderful.
I’m sure all the ‘tolerant’ leftist folks were seething with rage and/or indignation when President Trump tweeted out this little beauty.
Of course, they are always seething with rage and/or indignation when President Trump tweets period.
This one must have made their toes curl, though:
Can’t you just see them?
This is just too much.
They had forcibly removed the references to a Christian holiday in December and had replaced it with a generic ‘festive’ season.
This was their thing — a big accomplishment.
The world was bowing to political correctness and sidelining a major Christian holiday while we still reaping the benefits of it.
But they’re cool with their vacation days, amirite?
Those aren’t ‘holiday trees’ or ‘seasonal decorations’.
We all know what they are.
We were just vilified if we said it.
But now, President Trump has made it ok to say ‘Merry Christmas’ once again, and that is a beautiful thing!
Do you want to annoy a leftist even more?
Get this and wear it with pride!
And then wish them a ‘Merry Christmas’.
Liberals can be so annoying. And, yet, they are also easily annoyed! Anything that makes life better or brings people happiness is certain to drive them crazy. Especially at this time of year, where we celebrate God’s unconditional love to mankind with generous gift-giving to each other. Liberals get really bent out of shape at any mention of Jesus and would rather say, “Happy Holidays.” So, what do we do?
Annoy A Liberal: Say, “Merry Christmas!”
This wonderful new Christmas Blend is a very rich and complex coffee.Pairs perfectly with savory and sweet desserts. Best served with good tidings and cheer!
Our first and only blend to ever use 5 beans! This blend is comprised of Ethiopian, Rwandan, Kenyan, Sumatran & Brazilian coffees. This brew makes a great gift for the coffee lover in your life. You know, that one. And they will love it! With so many different beans and roasts unified in a cup its an experience to be savored. Countless flavor notes are waiting to be unwrapped. Santa- Thrasher will offer this special holiday roast until January 1st!
And the best part? This shirt is made in the USA, printed in the USA, on an American-Made t-shirt press!
Who would have thought it would be badass to say ‘Merry Christmas’?
It’s a crazy, mixed-up world we live in.
We need bolts of sanity that cut through the fog of leftism that we’re mired in.
This’ll do quite nicely:
Does your grandpa go off on paltry politicians, whether they be Democrats or Republicans? Does he get misty eyed when he talks about God and Country and America’s future? And have you ever heard him scream, ‘Awww … Hell no!’ when Rosie O’Donnell starts yapping on television? If you answered yes to one, or all of the above, then your gramps will love Doug Giles’ latest book, My Grandpa Is A Patriotic Badass.
Don’t be fooled by the title — this ain’t just for Grandpa.
The Snowflake Generation — and the rest of America — needs a good ol’ dose of ‘Grandpa wisdom’.
Especially if that Grandpa is Doug Giles.
You’ll love My Grandpa Is A Patriotic Badass just as much as Grandpa will.