Dear CNN: Americans Love Trump’s Tax Reform – Do You Need A Tissue?

Hey Pelosi — This is the Best. Armageddon. Ever.
Pelosi, Sanders, Schumer and even little Dick Durbin all ranted and raved about what a horror-show was about to be unleashed on the public.
It was the ‘looting’ of America.
Dick tried to hold it up on the Senate floor.
Rosie even wanted to bribe some Senators not to support it.
But Republicans assured us that once it was implemented, and the public got to see the impact it made on their bottom line, they would forget about all the media alarmism, and they would like what they saw.
Pelosi, on the other hand, tried to dismiss the tax breaks as ‘crumbs’.
So enough about the political players, what do the People think?
It must have nearly killed the Times to file this story:
The tax overhaul that Mr. Trump signed into law just before Christmas remains relatively unpopular and highly polarizing, according to a new poll conducted for The New York Times by SurveyMonkey. But support for the law has grown significantly over the past month, and more Americans believe that they will receive a tax cut. Forty-six percent of Americans strongly or somewhat approved of the law in early January, up from 37 percent when the bill was nearing passage in December.
Since the Republican tax plan became law last month, public opinion of it has improved and more people are expecting a tax cut this year.
At the same time, falling unemployment, accelerating economic growth and a surging stock market have made Americans increasingly positive about both their own finances and the overall economy. That could be good news for Republicans hoping to overcome Mr. Trump’s unpopularity in the midterm elections.
Source: NYT
That doesn’t look like Armageddon at all.
In fact, it looks like someone has been making America’s economy Great Again.
How is it even possible that the critics could ALL have been wrong?
Their entire political and ideological framework couldn’t be bankrupt, could it?
Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male
Ladies, tell everyone that you don’t like the emasculated, metro-sexual ‘feminists’ — you’d rather have a President with balls:
And gents, let everyone know that you want your President to be just as much of a man as you are:
Donald J. Trump is our 45th President. Why? Because Americans from all races and classes are sick of whining Republicans and corrupt Democrats. Finally, we have a President who isn’t afraid to say what he thinks even if it is not popular with the press. Trump is not a typical politician. Trump can’t be bought. He will back up what he says with action, no matter the cost. Finally. A president with balls!
Get yours today and trigger the leftists and the RINO NeverTrumpers.