Hey Progressives, Think You Can Pass This Quiz? You May Not Be A Feminist If…

Below is a short ten-question quiz, “You’re not a feminist if…”
Before you take the quiz, consider this:
So how did they do it?
How did the National Socialist Party (Nazis) convince millions of Germans to hate Jews and rally by the tens of thousands in Nuremberg?
More telling, how did the German people allow themselves to be convinced that National Socialism was the highest moral virtue?
To answer that question, simply observe the fake feminist movement.
How is cultural Marxism convincing millions of women to hate men and rally by the tens of thousands across America?
More telling, how are women allowing themselves to be convinced that being obnoxious b*tches is the highest moral value?
Feminism, in its purest form, is a moral virtue. Unfortunately, hordes of gullible women are being lured to “Nuremberg.” They are unaware that feminism has been hijacked by cultural Marxism.
They don’t know that they are not truly feminists.
So how do you know if you are a feminist?
We invite women to take this short 10-question test:
1 – If you don’t know that Islam poses the greatest danger to women, you’re not a feminist.
2 – If you don’t know the difference between being an obnoxious b*tch and being assertive, you’re not a feminist.
3 – If you don’t know the difference between a white suffragette dress and a pink genitalia costume, you’re not a feminist.
4 – If you are unaware that Western culture has always cherished women, you’re not a feminist.
5 – If you don’t know that “patriarchal society” is a Marxist placement term for “bourgeoisie”, you’re not a feminist.
6 – If you’ve ever confused male chivalry with male chauvinism, you’re not a feminist.
7 – If you’re not feminine, you’re not a feminist.
8 – If you advocate the abortion of girls, you’re not a feminist.
9 – If you can’t grasp the biological and behavioral differences between men and women, you’re not a feminist.
10 – If you believe emulating male behavior is a virtue, you’re a masculinist; not a feminist.
And let’s add one bonus statement:
11 – If you’ve ever looked at men as Nazis looked at Jews, you’re not a feminist.
Demonstrations in support of female empowerment are scheduled in cities across the country Sunday, a day after hundreds of thousands of people across the globe marched, chanted and protested.
Marches are scheduled in several cities, including Miami, Melbourne and Munich.
On Saturday, many not only supported women’s rights, but also denounced President Donald Trump’s views on immigration, abortion, LGBT rights and women’s rights on the anniversary of his inauguration.
The 2017 rally in Washington, D.C., and hundreds of similar marches, created solidarity for those opposing Trump’s views, words and actions. Millions of people around the world marched during last year’s rallies. Participants on Saturday talked about the news avalanche of politics and gender issues in the past year. They said they were galvanized by the #MeToo movement, which has been credited as countering widespread sexual abuse and misconduct.
Critics of the weekend’s marches said the demonstrations were really a protest against Trump.
Image: CC0 Creative Commons; Excerpted from: https://pixabay.com/en/feminism-woman-release-1124771/