Media Blind To The Primary Sources of Violence Against Black Men and Women

224,335 people were killed by Islamic supremacists between 9-11-2001 and 12-31-2017.
Nearly all victims were people of color.
To date there have been 32,388 documented terrorist attacks committed by Islamic supremacists since the 9-11 attack. Again, nearly all the victims were people of color.
By the time you read this, the number will have increased.
However, you must beware. You are surrounded by white supremacy. It lurks in every nook and cranny.
Such is the nonsense apparently propagated by The Republic, a daily, down-sized newspaper that is barely surviving in southern Indiana.
A recent article (January 17, 2018) lays a thick layer of white guilt: “Ending white supremacy: New tactics suggested to oppose ideology,” the headline reads.
The article seems to lament that Bartholomew County, Indiana is only 2.2 percent black while lauding the local, white-dominated Black Lives Matter group, an organization that many compare to the Ku Klux Klan.
Seriously? Are we to ignore black lives lost to other blacks? Are we to ignore black lives lost to Islamic supremacy? Are we to be wholly distracted by the white supremacy nonsense?
• The Republic seems oblivious to the massive number of black Americans killed by other black Americans.
Apparently, these black lives don’t matter.
7,881 black lives were lost to homicide in 2016. Nearly all were the victims of black-on-black crime.
Compare that number — 7,881 black homicides — to the number of lynchings spanning 1882 to 1968: 4,743.
Of the 4,743 persons killed during the lynching era, 3,446 lynching victims were black. Nearly one third — 1,297 — were white.
More than twice as many blacks were murdered in 2016 alone than blacks killed by lynching over a span of 86 years.
Apparently there is no political traction in lamenting the black lives lost to other blacks. Those black lives don’t matter?
• The Republic also seems reticent to acknowledge the massive number of hate attacks committed by Islamic supremacists against blacks in recent days.
Let’s have a look.
Black body count: 3 — On January 16, 2017 there were three blacks killed by Islamic supremacists in Pallam, Nigeria.
Black body count: 2 — That same day there were two blacks killed by an Islamic supremacist suicide bomber in Matakaye-Elie, Cameroon.
Black body count: 3 — There were three black lives lost to Islamic supremacists in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) on January 15, 2017.
Black body count: 5 — In Guni, Nigeria, five black lives were lost as competing Islamic supremacists fired on each other over a prayer dispute. Those black lives were lost on January 14, 2017.
Black body count: 2 — On January 13, 2017, two black lives were lost to Islamic supremacists in Lamu, Kenya. A woman and a guard were killed during an armed attack on a bus.
Black body count: 10 — Ten black lives were lost in the village of Unguwan Gajere, Nigeria when Islamic supremacist gunmen went on a shooting rampage. That attack occurred January 12, 2017.
Black body count: 1 — Another black life was lost January 11, in Mogadishu, Somalia as a woman bled to death after a mortar attack.
Black body count: 3 — Earlier that day three black lives were snuffed out in Kolofata, Cameroon as three civilians were slaughtered by jihadists.
Black body count: 1 — Islamic supremacists killed a black villager in Ashigashiya, Cameroon January 10, 2017.
Black body count: 3 — Islamic supremacists killed three blacks in Mogadishu, Somalia January 9, 2017.
That’s 33 black lives lost to Islamic supremacists in seven days. Compare that to the number of blacks’ lives lost to white supremacists during that same time span: zero.
The week prior found 73 black lives lost in a single Islamic supremacist attack in Benue, Nigeria.
Those numbers exclude hundreds of other people of color massacred by Islamic supremacists over the past few days.
Meanwhile, The Republic points our focus to the evils of white supremacy; an abstract that is virtually nonexistent.
A leader of an Indianapolis activist group said white supremacist ideology would end if people treated and confronted it as seriously as a marriage or family problem in the home.
“If you prioritize fighting white supremacy even as much as catching your favorite TV show that you want to watch, then white supremacy would end,” said Satchuel Cole, vice president of an Indianapolis-based group, Don’t Sleep, which deals with social injustice.
A range of straightforward comments from Cole drew applause from many among the estimated 85 people who attended a Monday evening Martin Luther King Jr. Day event organized by the Black Lives Matter of Columbus chapter. Cole and four other panelist spoke during the program at North Christian Church.
Image: Screen Shot; Benue, Nigeria;