Ok Google: Why Don’t You Know Who Jesus Is?

We can’t wait to hear the ‘innocent explanation’ for this one.
Do you think this little ‘quirk’ might come up as evidence when Prager’s lawsuit goes before the courts?
It’s amazing just how well-informed Google is about every religious leader except the one whose significance was so relevant that our calendars are tied to his birthdate.
On his Facebook page, David Sams took some basic religious questions to Google and Amazon.
Google Home is a new self-proclaimed “powerful” speaker and voice assistant. The device can play your music, call your friends, and answer almost any question that can be found on the web. However, when asked who is Jesus, Jesus Christ or God the smart speaker says it does not know the answer.
“Sorry, I’m not sure how to help” or “My apologies I don’t understand,” Google Home responds.
What has some people up in arms is that if you ask the device who other religious figures are such as Muhammad, Buddha and even Satan the device gives a full breakdown on what it has found on the web.
Source: Christian Post
Google Home, having come up empty on information relating to ‘Jesus’, ‘Jesus Christ’ or ‘God’ — but who had ready answers for Buddha, and Mohammed, for example — was asked about the guy making the video.
“I even asked Google who is David Sams? Google knew who I was, but Google did not know who Jesus was, Google did not know who Jesus Christ was, and Google did not know who God was.
Source: Christian Post
This was no ‘glitch’. The experiment was duplicated by someone else:
In the test, Alexa fared better. ‘She’ had a historical answer for Jesus of Nazareth and what his followers believe about him. A perfectly acceptable answer, that isn’t even politically risky.
Maybe this answer was in response to embarrassing publicity last year when Conservative personality Steven Crowder put Alexa to the same test and came back with the answer ‘he is a fictional Character’.
Gee, it’s almost like there is some kind of co-ordinated bias against Christianity.
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