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While Trump Keeps Piling Up Accomplishments, MSM Fixates on a Stupid Book

Liberal Leftists of the smear-everything-Trump variety, are now celebrating a new tabloid-type book with false attacks against our accomplished President.

While the American economy recovers from eight-years of quasi-Socialist-stagnation under Pres. Obama, the Leftist Media refuses to report on the success of Trump’s America First Agenda.

In less than a year, Trump’s business-like, make-it-happen leadership and work ethic are having a dramatic, positive effect:

· fewer business regulations
· more constitutionally oriented judiciary appointments – Supreme Court and Federal Courts
· GDP growth over 3.1% versus Obama’s less than 2% eight-year record
· 89 record-setting Dow Jones averages since Trump’s election
· national wealth increase of $6 trillion
· unemployment down to 4.1% – the lowest in 17 years
· over 2 million new jobs created
· more rational commitment to immigration and border control
· strong commitment to America-First fair trade
· enlightened tax policy to encourage economic development, U.S. based manufacturing and employment, and foreign profit recall
· stronger commitment to our military, national security, and law-and-order
· military success in the Middle East
· withdrawal from the one-sided Paris accord
· opening new pipelines
· opening Alaska and central states for economic development
· visited Europe, China, Japan, and other foreign nations – negotiating favorable business deals
· reduction in government and White House employment and spending
· can-do, make-it-happen inspired leadership from the White House
· America-First – America-Great-Again strategy

What about the stock market? Can you believe its surge? Repeated record highs under President Trump.

Not only did the Dow break through the 25,000 barrier last week – but it set a new record every day – finishing at 25,295.39 last Friday.

The Dow was up 576.17 or 2.33% during that four-day trading week! Amazing!

The S&P was up 2.59%, and the Nasdaq up 3.38%! This is beyond belief!

What’s even more amazing is the mainstream media. It has totally ignored this record breaking weekly performance under Trump’s America-First — America-Great-Again Agenda. Instead, these Leftists are focusing their coverage on a tabloid book that trashes our President via unsubstantiated hearsay rumors. Disgusting!

Moreover, the Trump administration is leading the way in proposing to greatly expand the areas available for safe, offshore oil and natural gas drilling, including off the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. The emphasis is on safe drilling.

The plan is part of Trump’s agenda to Make-America-Great-Again — to boost domestic oil and natural gas production — to create “energy dominance” and unlock the nation’s “great energy wealth.”

In the first major step toward the administration’s promised expansion of offshore drilling, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said nearly all of the nation’s outer continental shelf is being considered for safe drilling, including areas off the coasts of Maine, California, Florida and Alaska.

The proposal, which environmentalists immediately panned as an environmental disaster and giveaway to the fossil fuel industry, is far larger than what was envisioned in President Trump’s executive order last year, seeking a new plan for the future of auctions of offshore drilling rights. That order asked Zinke to consider drilling expansions in the Atlantic and Arctic oceans.


Old-timers will remember when once-professional news reporters only delivered news reports that were verifiable. News reporters were clearly separated from news commentators.

Not so today. Unsubstantiated news and rumors and commentators-opinions are often woven into entertaining but unreliable news entertainment shows.

TV networks like CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, etc. are unscrupulous in their “reporting” of news and opinion.

Unfortunately, unsophisticated TV viewers are often misled by these news-entertainment shows.

To make matters worse, some government agencies have acquired political biases in lieu of objective functioning. This includes such stellar organizations as the FBI.

One must wonder what will happen to our country over the coming years if this irresponsible news industry keeps producing unsubstantiated news, rumor and commentary-reports. Heaven forbid!

Excerpted from: photo credit: Go-tea 郭天 Discovery via photopin (license)

William Pauwels

William A. Pauwels, Sr. was born in Jackson Michigan to a Belgian, immigrant, entrepreneurial family. Bill is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and served in executive and/or leadership positions at Thomson Industries, Inc., Dow Corning, Loctite and Sherwin-Williams. He is currently CIO of Pauwels Private Investment Practice. He's been commenting on matters political/economic/philosophical since 1980.