Watch: DeNiro Calls Trump A ‘F–king Fool’ And A ‘Jerk Off’ – Is It Time For A DeNiro Boycott?

Robert DeNiro has the absolute worst case of TDS — Trump Derangement Syndrome. Don’t believe it? Check out the rest of his comments about President Trump…
DeNiro took the introduction of Meryl Streep at the National Board of Review Annual Awards Gala as an opportunity to bash the president.
In the past, DeNiro has used obscenities and said, ‘F**k you, Trump!’ and expressed the desire to punch him in the face, so he’s obviously a very stable individual.
Here he is saying that he gives the President the benefit of the doubt, but is still baffled by him:
DeNiro gives President Trump the benefit of the doubt?
Who is it that looks like the crazy one here? The President that is implementing his policies or the bro that is wanting to punch him for disagreeing?
One is a very stable genius and the other one… eh, not so much.
Here’s DeNiro’s speech in full with a little ‘Clashified’ commentary.
Thank you. First congratulations to Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks has played opposite some of the most iconic figures in American cinema.
In Turner and Hooch, he co-starred with a humongous, slobbering French Mastiff. In Toy Story, his nemesis was action figure Buzz Lightyear. And who could forget his award-winning performance in Castaway, opposite a volleyball named Wilson?
That brings us to The Post, and another signature performance from the extraordinary Meryl Streep.
Meryl is the most generous and giving actor. She not only inhabits her own character, she helps bring out the character of everyone else on the screen. Can a volleyball do that?
And that’s when the Trump Derangement Syndrome began to show itself:
Not even if the volleyball was a stable genius.
It was fascinating to watch The Post.
That story took place nearly 50 years ago, but there are many parallels with today, obviously.
At the time of the story, Donald Trump was suffering with “bone spurs”. Today the world is suffering from the real Donald Trump. Come on. You know. What are we talking about?
This f***ing idiot is the President. It’s The Emperor’s New Clothes – the guy is a f***ing fool.
The publication of the Pentagon Papers was a proud moment for American journalism. The Times and the Post challenged the government over critical First Amendment issues. And the press prevailed.
Our government today, with the propping [up] of our baby-in-chief – the jerkoff-in-chief I call him – has put the press under siege, trying to discredit it through outrageous attacks and lies.’
And again, just like 1971, the press is distinguishing itself with brave, exacting journalism.
The movie gave us glimpses of President Nixon as delusional, narcissistic, petty, vindictive, nasty and bats*** f***ing crazy. Ah the good old days.
Aaaand then came his virtue-signaling ‘I’m a feminist’ rant.
The movie and my friend Meryl Streep showed us the evolution of courage – Kate Graham was forced into a man’s world and showed the world and showed all those men something about the qualities of daring and devotion to public service – qualities that were thought of as male. No longer.
But, astonishingly, today women are still struggling to get their rightful place and their fair share.
I am still fighting for Meryl to be able to get 79 cents of what a man would get to play Catherine Graham. It’s shameful, I know.
Then came the @ss-kissing:
The good news is that I think we’re at a watershed moment and it’s about time. There are many to thank for that, but tonight is for Meryl Streep.
Meryl, thank you for speaking out on matters of conscience that affect us all. Thank you for being an actress who plays the most interesting characters with full commitment and without judgment.
You show us their heroism as well as their imperfections.
And I know that’s a stretch for you – because Meryl doesn’t seem to have any imperfections. And I say that with the most love for you, Meryl. I love you so much. Ladies and gentlemen, the National Board of Review’s best actress…
Source: Sopan Deb via Twitter
Watch a censored excerpt:
No imperfections, eh?
Her choice in friendships seems questionable, Bobby.
What about her support for Roman Polanski, convicted rapist of a 13-year old?
That’s a pretty damned big flaw if you ask me.
And the movie that’s being celebrated all over leftist Hollywood and the Media (D)?
It’s ‘celebrated’ because they believe that Trump has begun a ‘war’ with the Press instead of vice versa.
Christian Toto, a conservative film critic regaled readers with an interesting little anecdote regarding the international press and the superstars — Spielberg, Streep, and Hanks — of The Post.
One Brit reporter didn’t buy into the ‘new war’ idea because Barry was notorious for censorship and hounding of conservative reporters.
Husam Sam Asi is a BBC TV host and founder of He is also a member of the HFPA, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.
This bro did his homework and was willing to ask the big stars some pretty big questions.
…he reminded Streep and Spielberg that President Barack Obama flexed his might against journalists via the Espionage Act. Here’s how Jake Tapper put it:
“The Obama administration has used the Espionage Act to go after whistleblowers who leaked to journalists … more than all previous administrations combined.”
That doesn’t take into account Obama’s war against Fox News or how he spied on Fox News’ James Rosen.
How did Streep and Spielberg, hardcore Democrats who supported Obama during his two presidential terms, react? Let’s just say each has a potent political career awaiting them given their fancy footwork.
Source: Hollywood In Toto
Christian Toto has some pretty meaty questions that journos should be asking Hanks about The Post flick, but so far, none have.
As for DeNiro, it seems that he’s lost his ever-loving mind.
Will you be able to watch a DeNiro movie again knowing that he speaks about our President like this?
Is It Time For A DeNiro Boycott?
Fortunately, there is a cure for TDS — it’s just going to take 7 years and reading this:
Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male
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