Clash Poll: Should The Legal Age To Purchase A Gun Be Bumped Up To 21?

With some specific changes already proposed, this just might be THE hot-button gun question of the day.
Pressured to ‘do something’ (immediately)… they ‘did something’.
And how were they pressured?
The complicit enablers at CNN decided not to let a crisis go to waste. They set up (read: scripted) a media event:
The rest of us will only get to weigh in on that ‘something’ after the fact.
Florida Gov. Rick Scott proposed raising the age limit to 21 for most gun purchases in Florida as Florida House Republicans moved ahead with a plan to allow school personnel to carry guns and to impose select gun-control measures.
Source: Politico
Well, that didn’t take long, did it? They probably gave it long and careful consideration, right? Weighing out all the unexpected consequences of their legislation, and what they might have on civil liberties.
The House bill, obtained by POLITICO, was assembled in response to Florida’s worst school shooting. It would allow trained school employees to become armed “marshals,” double the number of school resource officers, beef up mental health services and institute some gun-control measures.
The proposal, set to be unveiled this afternoon, would also raise the age limit to buy a rifle from 18 to 21. It would require a three-day waiting period for purchases of all types of firearms.
There’s also language authorizing police to impose a three-day suspension of gun rights for anyone who was involuntarily committed for psychiatric evaluation under the state Baker Act and plans to increase in-school mental health resources. Under Florida’s Baker Act, people can be involuntarily committed for 72 hours if they pose a threat to themselves or others.
Another provision calls for a ban on bump stocks, which allow weapons to rapidly spray bullets.
Source: Politico
Does it say anything about 39 police visits? Or deputies standing frozen outside the school while students are executed? No? Oh. Maybe it was an oversight.
Raising the age limit to buy a rifle to 21.
Wasn’t it just a couple of days ago they were telling us we should lower the voting age to 16?
Parkland students show why 16-year-olds should be able to vote — CNN
So let’s get this straight.
Even though we’ve got problems with teens eating Tide Pods… CNN wants sixteen-year-olds to vote.
Planned Parenthood thinks young teens should be old enough to consent to an invasive medical procedure with specific inherent risks.
You have to be 18 for a tattoo unless mom or dad clears it.
Eighteen to sign a legal contract.
Eighteen to legally vote.
Eighteen for military service.
Eighteen to be charged as an adult. (Barring exceptional circumstances.)
Twenty-one to buy a simple beer. (In freaking CANADA, you’re old enough to drink at 18 or 19!)
And twenty-seven before you age out of mom and dad’s health care.
Realistically, the purchase of a firearm is the means by which a law-abiding adult becomes able to act upon his Civil right both of self-defense, but also (should it ever be required) actual resistance against unlawful tyranny.
We’re in a strange place, culturally, today.
We’ve got a problem with mamma’s boys living in the basement practically until they’re old enough to get a senior’s discount. We’ve been given a new word… ‘adultescents‘ to describe ‘late bloomers’ who don’t bother taking on adult responsibilities until well into their thirties.
Is it possible we’ve been avoiding the REAL question?
At what age should someone be totally considered a grown-ass man (or woman) and have access to the full complement of all rights — and responsibilities — of adulthood?
Should you be 21 to legally purchase a rifle?
The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
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The men and women in law enforcement that serve and protect us are commendable, but the response time means that they don’t get there when the bullets are flying.
Are you willing to wait 20 minutes for the police to show up?
It’s an issue that needs to be discussed within our churches and addressed by our church leaders.
We need some righteous badassery in the church to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our brothers and sisters in Christ from the preventable evil in this world.
We need to Obey Jesus.
Including what he said in Luke 22:36.
He [Jesus] said to them, “But now let the one who has a moneybag take it, and likewise a knapsack. And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one.
– The Holy Bible, English Standard Version
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