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Should This College Student Be Expelled Because She Won’t Wear A Hijab?

The University of Central Florida. A public university located in Orlando, Florida with over 64,000 students enrolled. It was in the college football spotlight during the past two months due to its football team going undefeated and beating Auburn in the Peach Bowl.

But now controversy has erupted at the University of Central Florida because of a couple of incidents during the past week. The first incident involves a man by the name of Abdullah Muhammad Zaman, who was arrested and charged with three counts of battery and one count of attempted battery when he was accused of inappropriately touching at least five women on the university’s campus.

How does Sharia Law fit into this incident? Because it allows Muslim males (such as Zaman) to treat women as sex objects. And since it is likely that the women he was inappropriately touching were not Muslim, they (according to Sharia) are infidels and are thus subject to such treatment. In addition, if the women were not Muslim, it is likely they were not wearing the hijab (headscarf) which makes them fair game as far as Zaman is concerned.

This leads us to the second incident, which involved World Hijab Day on February 1. World Hijab Day calls for women across the globe (regardless of their religion) to wear the hijab and to promote the right for women to wear a hijab if they choose to do so. The only problem with that is in Muslim countries (and in Muslim-dominated areas in the West), Muslim women (and in some cases non-Muslim women) are forced to wear the veil or face the consequences.

At any rate, during the celebration of World Hijab Day at the University of Central Florida, a Muslim student named Rayyan Sukkariehv invited another student named Kathy Zhu to wear the hijab, in which Zhu declined to do so. Sukkariehv was outraged at this refusal, even to the point of going on Twitter and calling for Zhu to be expelled from the university.

I seriously doubt Sukkariehv will succeed in getting Zhu expelled, because I am certain there is no rule at the University of Central Florida requiring students to participate in any given event. Colleges and universities generally encourage students to participate in various events (or at least attend them). Sometimes participation or attendance for certain events may be required for some courses, but that is at the discretion of the instructor and not the administration, and it does not result in expulsion if not done (although it could result in a failing grade for the course, and possible expulsion if the student who fails the class is doing poorly in his or her other courses).

At any rate, this is what happens when political correctness and overemphasis of cultural diversity dominate college campuses (and society in general). And given that the goal of jihad is world domination, and is taking advantage of cultural diversity to spread Sharia Law, the West needs to take a stand.

photo credit: tcees Past And Present Times via photopin (license)

Andrew Linn

Andrew Linn is a member of the Owensboro Tea Party and a former Field Representative for the Media Research Center. An ex-Democrat, he became a Republican one week after the 2008 Presidential Election. He has an M.A. in history from the University of Louisville, where he became a member of the Phi Alpha Theta historical honors society. He has also contributed to and Right Impulse Media.