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Immigration: Democrats Putting Power Agendas Over National Security

Citizens are being killed, injured and robbed increasingly by illegals.

The DemWit’s response is to insist on open borders, unlimited immigration, sanctuary cities, cash welfare and other benefits for illegals, all of it contributing to more killing, injury and crime, and for what?

Bottom line: DemWits put everyone at risk so they can recruit more Leftist voters. Their selfish motivation involves the acquisition of power and solidifying their elitist positions in government, all to feed their greed. Insidious.

In this age of terrorists partnering with drug cartels and human traffickers and mass migrations of illegals, it is flat out insane to suggest we accommodate and even promote this mayhem, but that is precisely what Pelosi and the DemWits demand.

We must stand with President Trump against these lunatics, or ultimately be forced to explain to our kids and grandkids why we stood silently while their liberty was sold for a bowl of soup.

Image: Excerpted from: photo credit: Fibonacci Blue Solidarity march with immigrants & refugees via photopin (license)

Allan Erickson

Allan Erickson---Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter, and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012.