Dear Hollywood Chicks: If You’re Really Against Rape, Shouldn’t You Be More Pro Guns?

You’d think they would want to be able to protect themselves against these perverts.
But they won’t ever jump on the side of the Second Amendment because guns are ‘weapons of war’ to them.
Maybe it’s because they’re in Hollywood. It’s a fantasyland where women are well-prepared to overpower any man.
Perhaps they don’t realize that not every woman is like Black Widow (5’3″ and 130 lb Scarlett Johansson) able to beat the tar out of Hawkeye (5’10” and 180 lb Jeremy Renner) in The Avengers.
A gun is a quick equalizer, and a sure-fire way to not be a #MeToo victim.
Watch Doug tackle this:
Here’s a brand new book on how to be a Warrior Chick by Regis Giles — daughter of our very own Doug Giles:
From the book:
Do I want this to be happening? Why is his hand on my waist? Is he really fondling my breasts? What do I do? Why is he in a bathrobe? Why is he taking off the bathrobe? God, I need to get out of here! I thought this was going to be professional.
No one, unless they’ve been in the same situation, can ever really understand the stress and self-doubt one goes through when sexual harassment occurs.
Regis Giles’ new book will teach you how to escape the world of #MeToo victim and become the #WarriorChick you were meant to be!
Think Miss Giles knows a thing or two about taking care of herself? You’d better believe it.
She and her sister Hannah were the very first two female Valente Bros black Belts. That’s a feather in your cap, for sure.
She’s got a website ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Guns‘ and she had it LONG before it was ‘trendy’ to talk about #MeToo.
She’s also a world-class huntress.
Get your copy of How to not be a #MeToo Victim, but a #WarriorChick today!
The men and women in law enforcement that serve and protect us are commendable, but the response time means that they don’t get there when the bullets are flying.
Are you willing to wait 20 minutes for the police to show up?
It’s an issue that needs to be discussed within our churches and addressed by our church leaders.
We need some righteous badassery in the church to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our brothers and sisters in Christ from the preventable evil in this world.
We need to Obey Jesus.
Including what he said in Luke 22:36.
He [Jesus] said to them, “But now let the one who has a moneybag take it, and likewise a knapsack. And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one.
– The Holy Bible, English Standard Version
For the badass, Christ-follower we’ve got the shirt for you.
Don’t worry, ladies, we haven’t left you out.
And the best part? This shirt is made in the USA, printed in the USA, on an American-Made t-shirt press!
Get yours now.