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News Clash

Dear Patriots: Guess How Much Money This 2x Deported ‘Dreamer’ Milked Our System For

This news story will raise your blood pressure. You’ve been warned.

So, a twice-deported Mexican man has assumed the identity of an American and used that identity to scam the government for decades. The amount that he’s received is un-dirty-word-believable.

A Mexican man who was deported twice and had a history of arrests was able to assume the identity of an American citizen and receive more than $360,000 in government benefits for 37 years.

Andres Avelino Anduaga used a fake birth certificate starting in 1980 to develop a seemingly legitimate persona by applying for a California driver’s license, Social Security number and U.S. passport, according to documents obtained by the San Diego Union-Tribune.

The official U.S. documents identified him as Abraham Riojos, born in Texas in 1958.

However, it turns out that Anduaga was actually a 66-year old man residing in Tijuana, Mexico. He is pleading guilty to several charges, including theft of public property and being a ‘previously removed unauthorized immigrant.’

Anduaga has agreed to pay back what he has stolen from the government agencies. He could face additional fines and charges, as well as 12 years in prison when he is sentenced in May.

And here is why we need that big, beautiful wall:

The man who called himself Riojos gave an address in the Southern California city of Chula Vista, according to the criminal complaint.

But when investigators visited the home in January 2016, the landlord admitted Riojos never lived there but instead resided in Mexico, court papers show.

Investigators turned to border crossing records, finding frequent travels indicating Riojos had likely been living in Mexico.

And here’s the kicker that won’t be reported on CNN because it doesn’t fit the narrative of the ‘dreamer’ coming to make a better life for themselves and their family.

Further investigation revealed the man claiming to be Riojos had a rap sheet that included 21 different names and six dates of birth, dating back to 1974, the newspaper reported.

They included a firearms violation, forgery, cocaine possession and multiple DUIs, according to prosecutors.

Immigration records showed he’d been deported in 1994 and again in 2000.
Source: Daily Mail

Do you remember how the Media (D) went completely mental when President Trump said that Mexico wasn’t sending their best over?

So, is this example vindication for President Trump’s statement?

Well, it certainly looks like it, doesn’t it?

Of course, I’m sure that the crap-for-brains leftists will just see it as an ‘isolated example’.

Does your grandpa go off on paltry politicians, whether they be Democrats or Republicans? Does he get misty eyed when he talks about God and Country and America’s future? And have you ever heard him scream, ‘Awww … Hell no!’ when Rosie O’Donnell starts yapping on television? If you answered yes to one, or all of the above, then your gramps will love Doug Giles’ latest book, My Grandpa Is A Patriotic Badass.

Don’t be fooled by the title — this ain’t just for Grandpa.
The Snowflake Generation — and the rest of America — needs a good ol’ dose of ‘Grandpa wisdom’.
Especially if that Grandpa is Doug Giles.
You’ll love My Grandpa Is A Patriotic Badass just as much as Grandpa will.

We’ve all wondered for a long time, but it looks like medical science has finally determined the problem.

It’s spreading like a plague. For some reason, Liberals are losing their ever-loving minds.

Trump Derangement — and Romney Derangement before that — and Bush Derangement before that are only the tip of the iceberg.

What is driving them so berzerk?

Looks like we’ve found an answer:

A liberal walks into the hospital and asks for an X-ray of its skull. Doctors confirmed what we already feared. Here’s the sad diagnosis…

That’s the ladies’ version. You can get it here.

Don’t worry. There’s one for the guys, too.

You can get the guy’s version here.

And the best part? This shirt is made in the USA, printed in the USA, on an American-Made t-shirt press!


K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker