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News Clash

Ted Nugent Deep Fried David Hogg – It’s Brutal And True

NRA board member, Ted Nugent, isn’t one to keep his opinions to himself. Check out this interview where Uncle Ted takes on the lies spouted by the Parkland gun-grabbing activists.

In an interview on the Joe Pags Show, the Motor City Madman takes on the blatant falsehoods being pushed by the Parkland student activists.

The left is constantly attacking the NRA — now they’re using traumatized students to do it.

Doug weighed in on this back in February, but it’s a great refresher:

There has been some pretty bad stuff pushed by some of these Parkland students.

Emma Gonzalez says that it was no surprise to anyone that the shooter ‘lost it’ because he had been ostracised for years:

Then Cameron Kasky was just vile when he confronted Marco Rubio (FL-R) at the CNN townhall:

But it’s been David Hogg that has has been pretty… what’s the word… disgusting when it comes to his attacks on Marco Rubio, Dana Leosch, NRA members, and anyone that supports the Second Amendment as it is written. His latest was to target Laura Ingraham’s advertisers to drop her show because she said something that he didn’t like.

Uncle Ted drops some truth bombs on the Parkland activists:

(David Hogg) has been brainwashed, it’s tragic,‘ Nugent said. ‘I don’t think the guy can be fixed. … This guy is a lost cause. He is consumed with hate. He is part of the problem, not the solution.

He said Hogg and the other survivors who have become gun control activists are ‘not very educated’ and ‘wouldn’t know an AR-15 from a pterodactyl’.

He blamed the students education as well as the mainstream media for the ideas they have spread about the NRA.

The dumbing down of America is manifested in the cultural deprivation of our academia that have taught these kids the lies, media that have prodded and encouraged and provided these kids lies,’ he said.

I really feel sorry for them because it’s not only ignorant and dangerously stupid, but it’s also soulless.

Nugent also said, ‘Well that is sad the level of ignorance just goes against the level of stupidity.

Nugent also weighed in on the Laura Ingraham controversy:

Nugent stood by Ingraham in his interview on Monday, saying he thought her comments were ‘in line’.

‘I think Laura Ingraham is a great person,’ Nugent said. ‘This Hogg guy had gone off the rails, and spewing the hate, and missing the whole point on how to make schools safe. So I think Laura was in line.’

Nugent said he didn’t care if he got hate for supporting Ingraham.

‘I don’t have a worry in my brain,’ he said. ‘I’ll let the dominoes fall where they may.’
Source: Daily Mail

Here is Uncle Ted being interviewed on the Joe Pags Show:

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The men and women in law enforcement that serve and protect us are commendable, but the response time means that they don’t get there when the bullets are flying.

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– The Holy Bible, English Standard Version

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K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker