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Unfunny ‘Comedian’ Chelsea Handler Attacks Nikki Haley And Summarily Gets Trounced Online

Does she think this is comedy, or is she really that dumb?

How is Chelsea Handler even famous?

When I first heard her name after she said that she’d move if Donald Trump became president, I had to Google who she was.

You know that saying, ‘Ignorance is bliss’? Well, that doesn’t seem to be the case for Chelsea Handler. She’s just as vile and unhappy as ever.

She’s not  ‘shouting’ the two abortions she had when she was a teen, or promoting the value of ‘childlessness’ which she seems to be thoroughly enjoying if you believe the contrived skits on her show.


Chelsea is displaying her vast troves of ignorance and simultaneously mocking a conservative woman, Nikki Haley. The same way she mocked the First Lady, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Stacey Dash.

Oh, she was.

Her ignorance knows no bounds.

Conservative Twitter absolutely hammered Chelsea’s remarks:

Handler was upset about Nikki Haley speaking about the provocation in Gaza on the day of the opening of the American Embassy in Jerusalem.

Here is a brief clip of Haley’s speech with some ‘inconvenient truths’:

She’s lamenting the plight of the poor, beleaguered, weaponless Palestinians.

But if Chelsea Handler wants to side with the terrorists of Hamas that manipulate the Palestinian people, look who else agrees with her — this Russian ally:

Shockingly, none of those facts deterred the imbecilic Chelsea.

Nevertheless, she persisted:

This chick is not ok.

Nope. Probably too much pot.

Duh. Of course it is!

Hey, don’t judge her about the drinking.

Chelsea’s just living her ‘best life’ childless, unmarried, with the great comedic legacy that she’s creating.

Just because she speaks often of binge drinking and drug use, that means nothing. Those are lifestyle choices, not an attempt at self-medicating for the sad, lonely, pointless life she leads.

She really should.

But I don’t think she will.

She clearly knows everything already.

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We’ve all wondered for a long time, but it looks like medical science has finally determined the problem.

It’s spreading like a plague. For some reason, Liberals are losing their ever-loving minds.

Trump Derangement — and Romney Derangement before that — and Bush Derangement before that are only the tip of the iceberg.

What is driving them so berzerk?

Looks like we’ve found an answer:

A liberal walks into the hospital and asks for an X-ray of its skull. Doctors confirmed what we already feared. Here’s the sad diagnosis…

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K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker