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Clash Quiz: How Many Christian Refugees Did England Accept During Their Latest Invasion – 0? 19? or 1,113?

By: K. Walker
ClashDaily Associate Editor

The humanitarian crisis in Syria has caused many Western democracies to open their doors to refugees. How many of these refugees are from Syria’s minority Christian population?

In England, the number is a big, round zero.

Despite Christians making up approximately 10 percent of the population of Syria, and a specific target of jihadists, the U.K. Home Office admits that of the 1,112 Syrian refugees that were resettled in the first three months of 2018, not one single Christian was among them.

Of the 1,358 Syrian refugees recommended y the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, only four were Christians and they were rejected by the U.K.

It seems that Christians need not apply.

The information came to light following a freedom of information request by the Barnabas Fund – a charity that supports persecuted Christians.

The statement by the charity said: “As Barnabas Fund recently reported, of the 7,060 Syrian refugees the UNHCR recommended to the UK in 2017 only 25 were Christians (0.35 per cent). However, the Home Office only accepted eleven of these – meaning that Christians made up only 0.23 per cent of Syrian refugees resettled in the UK last year.”

In a statement, Barnabas Fund said that they had to go to ‘considerable lengths’ to obtain the figures ‘in the face of what appeared to be a sustained attempt by Home Office officials to avoid their release’.

The information was only released after the charity obtained an order from the Information Commissioner’s Office which threatened the Home Office with contempt of court proceedings in the High Court.

The charity’s statement continues and says that this huge disparity in Christian vs. Muslim refugees isn’t just an ‘error’.

“As last year’s statistics more than amply demonstrate, this is not a statistical blip. It shows a pattern of underrepresentation and significant prima facie evidence of discrimination that the government has a legal duty to take concrete steps to address.”

According to the United Nations, half a million Syrians have been killed and 6.1 million have been internally displaced because of the war in their country.

The Home Office issued a statement in response to the numbers.

“The vulnerable person resettlement scheme prioritises the most vulnerable refugees who have fled the Syrian conflict, regardless of race, religion or ethnicity.

“We are working with the UNHCR and other partners to reach groups that might be reluctant to register for the scheme for fear of discrimination and unaware of the options available to them.”
Source: Premier Christian Radio

Christians are the world’s most persecuted minority. Even secularists vilify the Christian majority.

It’s kinda cool to be anti-Christian these days, just like it was in the old days.

But, riddle me this, ClashDaily Reader…

If the Home Office was concerned with prioritizing ‘the most vulnerable refugees’ regardless of religion (among other things,) then why are Christians so underrepresented?

Oh, right.

It’s because of ‘tolerance’.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker