James Woods’ Calls Bullstrzok On Peter Strzok’s ‘Testimony’ and It’s Pure Gold
Woods has Strzok perfectly pegged.
Ka-boom. James Woods gave a better ‘knock-out punch’ than even the best soundbites from the hearings ever could.
First with this:
When your girlfriend is more important than your wife, your politics more important than your country, and your ego more important than history,… pic.twitter.com/R3xcQLmgBn
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 13, 2018
And he followed up with this:
The single greatest tragedy of the #StrzokPage dalliance of lust and treachery is the stain it splattered on a noble institution, the #FBI. Thousands of hard-working and dedicated public servants (agents and staff) have been harmed irreparably by their antics and corruption.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 12, 2018
We all see right through Strzok’s ‘innocent victim’ act.
But Woods hit him more savagely than most.