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The Left’s New Messiah Is A Female Version Of Obama

By: K. Powell
ClashDaily Guest Contributor

Progressive Democrats desperately seek to gain footing by bringing in more immigrant voters and moving even more radically towards their twisted version of a socialist utopia. They fail daily and only further alienate the great majority of hard-working Americans by attempting to create a world of open borders, heavy taxation, and sex reassignment for 4-year olds.

Recently, a new messiah was born unto them, to take Obama’s torch and run with his agenda into their twisted, un-American sunset.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year old, Hispanic, Democratic Socialist who just blew out Joe Crowley, the Democratic Party boss of Queens County, in New York’s 14th Congressional District primary last week. She would represent the Bronx and Queens.

She believes in:

  • Federal “Jerbs” for everyone
  • Abolishing I.C.E.
  • Free higher education
  • Housing as a human right

We all know who would pay for this.

As a former Bernie Sanders organizer and current media darling, she is being paraded around the country to raise money for congressional and local races. Apparently, she’s the left’s new kingmaker.

“She represents the future of our party,” Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez said Wednesday morning on “The Bill Press Show.

Ocasio-Cortez is a charismatic woman and Hispanic (double minority), so identity politics dictate that Dems MUST run her for the presidency. Keep your eyes on this one.

See you in the meme tranches, mama. The real fight has just begun.