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News Clash

#WalkAway: Ex-Liberal Bro’s Campaign To Leave Progressivism Goes Viral

By: K. Walker

ClashDaily Associate Editor

[CORRECTION: In the initial report, the article stated that the screenshots of the videos were from the official #WalkAway campaign YouTube channel. The article has been updated to state that those videos were gathered to a fan channel. My apologies for any confusion this error may have caused.]

One former liberal has started a movement. He’s collecting videos of people explaining why they are leaving the left. It’s a beautiful thing.

Brandon Straka was a life-long liberal and is now an ex-Liberal. He’s also gay, a hairdresser, an aspiring actor, and now the leader of what can now be called a movement.

Straka says that he was one of those people crying on Election Night 2016, and couldn’t understand how the country that he loved could elect such a horrible racist.

And then, a friend of his showed him a video and his eyes were opened. Everything changed completely.

The video was about how the Media (D) created the false narrative that Donald Trump and his supporters are racists, bigots, and haters.

Watch Tucker Carlson interview Brandon Straka to explain his ‘awakening’:

The campaign launched in late May and people are using the hashtag all over social media posting their reasons in their own words for their #WalkAway. Straka has over 55K followers on Twitter and about the same on Facebook.

But that’s not all.

The movement has fans.

There is a dedicated fan channel on YouTube that drew my attention to just how many people are making videos. In just a couple of weeks, that channel has over 18K subscribers and more than 80 videos.

Here are a few screenshots of some of the videos from the fan page that is gathering the videos.

Watch Brandon Straka’s really sharp launch video for the now-viral #WalkAway campaign:

Straka has now been labeled as ‘alt-right’ and was actually refused service at a camera store in Manhattan because of his role in the #WalkAway movement.

Do you get the cognitive dissonance involved there? How much do you want to bet that the camera store employee that refused to serve Straka was upset when the Supreme Court sided with the Christian baker that didn’t refuse service but wouldn’t lend his artistic talents to bake a cake for a gay wedding? All those calls of just ‘bake the damned cake’ ring a little hollow if you won’t do the job that can be performed by a self-checkout lane.

But I digress…

There are many, many videos of people explaining why they have walked away.

This woman, Shannon, asked forgiveness from Trump supporters:

The caption under the video reads:

[This video hit me in the heart] 

“I hope this campaign can be about people having the freedom to vote for who they want, talk to who they want, and to be safe to have their own opinions. I hope Trump supporters in particular will see this so I can begin to give my apologies for any part I may have played in your mistreatment.” Shannon.

This awesome one by this bro that cites historical accuracy:

Dilbert creator, Scott Adams, used his massive platform to discuss the #WalkAway movement — and the Democrats use of fear — on Periscope.

Dang, this is powerful stuff!

We’ve been wondering where the rational, reasonable people on the left were. Now we know where to find them. And they’re leaving the left altogether.

This bro is fierce. He tweeted out his next goal:

Brandon Straka, ClashDaily salutes you!

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Rules For Radical Christians is not a survival devotional designed to help the young Christian adult limp through life. Rather, it is a road-tested, dominion blueprint that will equip the young adult with leadership skills and sufficient motivation to rise to a place of influence in an overtly non-Christian culture. Rules For Radical Christians gives the reader the keys to become strategically equipped to move into an anti-theistic environment and effectively influence it for the glory of God.

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There’s one thing that increasingly unites men and women these days. We can both agree that Liberals are losing their ever-loving minds. Now there’s a shirt that says just that.

Conveniently available in Both Ladies…

AND Men’s versions.

Either Liberals just don’t get it, or they are sick in the head. Probably both. Think about it: They want to have all of the blessings that come with living in a capitalist society such as modern medicine and technology. But they believe in socialism, which stifles innovation and progress.

They want to be protected by the police and the military, but they attack and criticize the men and women who protect us. They call conservatives “racists,” but it’s their own identity politics that have created race problems in the first place. After all, Democrats were the party of slavery!

They attack hunters, but have no problem wearing leather shoes or owning cars with leather upholstery! And of course, they believe guns kill people. Not the people that pull the trigger.

Well, here’s a shirt that sums it perfectly. Liberalism is a… MENTAL DISORDER.

And the best part? This shirt is made in the USA, printed in the USA, on an American-Made t-shirt press!

Ladies, get yours here.

Bros, click here, instead.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker