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WTF? Now MILK Is A ‘Symbol Of White Supremacy’ And Milking A Cow Is ‘Rape’

PETA loved that ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ costume so much, they made their own ‘Milkmaid’s Tale’ version.

Milk, they say, is both racist AND rape-y! It’s a two-fer.

PETA is so outrageously stupid, that if PETA didn’t exist, someone would have to invent it, just for the humor value.

It’s not enough to say that MEAT is bad.

We already know how they feel about that.

(If they think MILK is bad, imagine how freaked out they would get with the Carnivore Diet!)


This tweet wasn’t dumb enough…

They needed to double down with another one after it.

It takes WORK to say something that dumb.

I wonder what they would say about Israel being promised a land “flowing with milk and honey”.

Are they anti-semitic enough to call Jews racist white people?

Then there’s the question of chocolate milk… is it any better if it’s brown?

Milk isn’t just racist, though. Milking a cow is tantamount to rape. Maybe they should have a hashtag for that kind of lunacy… how about #MooToo?

By the way, why is PETA late to the ‘everything is racist’ party? Tucker Carlson included milk in his list of ‘100 things that are now racist’ about a year ago.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck