Dear CNN: There’s Now PROOF Comey Lied To FISA To Spy On Trump – Is That ‘News?’
Lying is a big deal. We know this because General Flynn was driven to the brink of bankruptcy over an accusation that he had lied.
He wound up defending himself against accusations of a lie so insignificant that the FBI on several occasions did not think he was intending to deceive, and Mueller’s own prosecution recommended that he face no jail time.
Honesty is a VERY important thing, obviously. The bar has been raised.
So, what does that mean for OTHER people?
Well, for Comey, that could be a significant problem indeed. Especially with the new email chain that has been released. The one about his role in FISA.
It doesn’t look good. No WONDER he insisted on being questioned in open hearings. He could just hide behind his ‘That’s Classified’ excuse.
John Solomon must have some very well-placed sources. He always seems to be one step ahead of the game on this story.
Sources tell me the email chain provides the most direct evidence that the bureau, and possibly the DOJ, had reasons to doubt the Steele dossier before the FISA warrant was secured.
Sources say the specifics of the email chain remain classified, but its general sentiments about the Steele dossier and the media contacts have been discussed in nonclassified settings.
“If these documents are released, the American public will have clear and convincing evidence to see the FISA warrant that escalated the Russia probe just before Election Day was flawed and the judges [were] misled,” one knowledgeable source told me.
Congressional investigators also have growing evidence that some evidence inserted into the fourth and final application for the FISA — a document signed by current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — was suspect.
Source: John Solomon, The Hill
Why is this significant? It means that several people — including Rod Rosenstein, who’s been ‘overseeing’ the Mueller investigation know full well that some serious ethical and legal lines were crossed in the surveillance of a Presidential candidate’s inner circle.
The way surveillance rules work — the ‘two hop rule’ means that people up to two degrees removed from the person under scrutiny can likewise be subject to the watchful eye of Big Brother.
And the entire warrant, the FBI’s own document shows, was being rushed to approval by two agents who hated Trump and stated in their own texts that they wanted to “stop” the Republican from becoming president.
If ever there were grounds to investigate the investigators, these facts provide the justification.
Director Comey and Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein likely hold the answers, as do the still-classified documents. It’s time all three be put under a public microscope.
Source: John Solomon, The Hill
We need our permanent AG. Stat. One that isn’t ‘recused’.
And that person needs to find out what the HELL has been going on while Sessions had his hands tied. Was Rosenstein covering his own ass? Someone else’s?
Or is he just giving Mueller a long leash to dig up as much dirt against Team Trump as he can to tilt 2020 in the Democrats’ favor and divert attention away from some very awkward Russia-Clinton connections?
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