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Famous ‘Christian’ Singer Doesn’t Know If Homosexuality Is A Sin

During a recent interview, the Grammy-nominated singer admits that she just doesn’t know what Scripture teaches on the subject.

Lauren Daigle just can’t seem to win.

She’s done well enough on the charts that she was noticed by some TV show producers. Isn’t that a good thing? That depends.

Maybe today is the first time you’ve heard of her or her music. Her latest album, “Look Up Child” debuted at #3 on the Billboard 200 chart. She had a sales week bigger than any Christian artist in almost 9 years. Here’s a taste of her music. Decide for yourself. But that’s not the story today. The story is about an appearance promoting her music.

When you’re known as a Christian Artist, the fans get restless, and sometimes have some impossible expectations.

For example, she was criticized for accepting an appearance on Ellen last month. Why? Because Ellen is a lesbian.

News flash people, most of the shows that would get a Christian musician promoted to fans that haven’t yet heard them are, by definition, NOT part of any Christian sub-culture.

Fans were a little dopey to freak about her accepting the invite. But they did raise one valid point she should have paid attention to. The Christian understanding of correct sexual practice and the world’s view are miles apart, and a Christian going into that environment should be ready for the gotcha questions. After all, there’s no getting around the fact that Ellen is a lesbian. There’s a really good chance the topic might come up.

Bigger leaders than you have been tripped up by being unprepared for such questions. Just ask Joel Osteen about how he struck out on Piers Morgan’s show in a similar situation.

Was she ready? Have a look:

NATI: Do you feel that homosexuality is a sin?

DAIGLE: I can’t honestly answer on that. In a sense, I have too many people that I love that they are homosexual. I don’t know. I actually had a conversation with someone last night about it. I can’t say one way or the other. I’m not God. So when people ask questions like that … that’s what my go-to is. I just say read the Bible and find out for yourself. And when you find out let me know, because I’m learning, too.

Ouch. Swing and a miss.

Let’s call that a ‘no’.

Was the question itself a trap? A lose-lose proposition?

Of course it was.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t defend the Biblical definitions of morality graciously, without looking like the couple of dozen freak-shows still attending Westboro Baptist.

Let us not too quickly dismiss the cowardice of her answer. Cowardice is just as much a sin as some of the other ones we more readily denounce. It is not to be taken lightly.

Don’t take our word for it, read for yourself:

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.
Revelation 21:8

Cowardice lands you on a particularly unhappy list. Claiming ignorance just because the truth might get you in trouble is a dangerous game.

We’re not here to single her out, though. Like many others who name the name of Christ — including no less than Peter — she made a mistake and has to own it and move forward. It’s HOW she moves forward that matters.

Let’s use this as what is so often called a ‘teachable moment’.

What should you expect if you are a Christian, and known for your faith?

Know that it will be challenged and opposed. Period. Full stop. It’s a ‘written-in-red’ promise from the lips of Jesus himself.

There are some questions we should ALL be ready for, but that doesn’t mean we have to give the answers according to the rules unbelievers want us to play by. Jesus didn’t answer with the yes-no answers laid out in the traps set for Him. He applied godly wisdom the situation.

Render unto Caesar was one famous example. His answer about divorce was a better one for this situation.

The godly answer about divorce was just as offensive to those who tried to justify THEIR sin as the godly answer to the question of homosexuality is today. But his answer came at them from a direction they were unprepared for, and because of that, is still spoken of two thousand years later.

Christians should learn to follow THAT example. And what’s more, we’re supposed to be courageous. Salt and light to a perishing world. We’re the spiritual heirs of people who literally chose to be fed to lions rather than light an incense stick and say the words ‘Caesar is Lord’ to get the Roman soldiers to spare our lives.

She really should get her hands on Doug’s book before stepping out into the public eye like this again. She’ll find herself far more prepared for any future ‘traps’. The same is true for any of our readers.

Get Doug Giles’ new book:

Rules For Radical Christians is not a survival devotional designed to help the young Christian adult limp through life. Rather, it is a road-tested, dominion blueprint that will equip the young adult with leadership skills and sufficient motivation to rise to a place of influence in an overtly non-Christian culture. Rules For Radical Christians gives the reader the keys to become strategically equipped to move into an anti-theistic environment and effectively influence it for the glory of God.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck