LMAO: Chuck And Nancy’s ‘Rebuttal’ Turned Them Into A National Laughingstock (Video)

After Trump’s Oval Office Adress to the Nation, Chuck and Nancy awkwardly tried to shoot him down. The Internet’s been mocking them ever since.
We haven’t laughed so hard at them looking this stupid since the State Of The Union where Nancy got so flustered she was sucking on her teeth.
The photo op had an angry ‘American Gothic’ look to it.
We weren’t the only ones to notice, either. See for yourselves.
Chuck and Nancy American Gothic pic.twitter.com/xEIpqU3T1t
— ElElegante101 (@skolanach) January 9, 2019
There were plenty of other fun with Photoshop, too, including some Black and White Creature Feature references.
But probably the most BRUTAL of them all was a brilliant little video. See for yourself:
Video of a clash at the Southern Border, with a news announcer describing what’s happening behind them…
With Chuck and Nancy standing with their back to the events, oblivious.
It’s such a perfect metaphor for what’s going on, and so much more dangerous to their narrative than any thirty-point list of factoids would ever be in a conversation that’s been driven by emotion more than logic.
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