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REPORT: Broward County Sheriff ‘Gone’ Over Pathetic Parkland Response

The big question is whether he’s gone for good, or just being suspended.

Could DeSantis be replacing him completely? It’s starting to sound that way.

Sheriff Israel could run a clinic teaching just how easily a CYA attempt can become defacto career suicide. After all, he’s got nothing better to do for the next little while.

Now that DeSantis is sworn in as Florida’s new Governor, Sheriff Israel is preparing for his mishandling of Parkland to fall under serious scrutiny.

On the other hand, DeSantis’s office has thus far stated that they have not told Israel that he would be suspended. What their future plans are — whether for or against disciplinary action / removal — is less certain.

“The governor has not said anything to us, directly or indirectly, as to whether or not the sheriff is going to be suspended,’’ Kaplan said. “He is working and continues to serve the citizens of Broward County.’’

But Jeff Bell, BSO’s union chief, said Israel told his staff on Monday that his ouster was inevitable.

“We know that he is telling everyone at the public safety building that he is going to be gone,’’ said Bell, who was at DeSantis’ swearing-in ceremony in Tallahassee on Tuesday.

Several candidates have been mentioned as possible replacements, including former Broward Sheriff Al Lamberti, a Republican like DeSantis. But Bell would not indicate whether the union was backing anyone.

“What I will say is we want someone who will remove politics out of police work and commit to protecting the citizens and our children in the schools,’’ Bell said.
Source: MiamiHerald

Since DeSantis ran on, among other things, suspending Sheriff Israel, it seems a reasonable expectation, unless something has changed his mind since taking office.

A little less than a year ago when everyone else was looking for answers, the Broward County Sheriff was looking for scapegoats.

He let Marco Rubio and legal gun owners twist in the wind at Tapper’s Town Hall event, despite glaring failures of his own staff and policies. Policies like that Obama-era ‘PROMISE’ program that kept the school from red-flagging genuine problem students, and having the criminal justice system address their actions.

Students like the Parkland killer himself.

Here’s a recap of several related stories we ran.

Broward Deputies Vote To Can Their Shady Sheriff, Scott Israel

Cowards Of Broward: Did Deputy Peterson Protect Sheriff’s Son From Sex Charges?

‘Cowards’: 4 Deputies Cowered Behind Cars As Cruz Killed Kids – Here’s The Damning Details

BREAKING! EMS Claims Broward Sheriff’s Office Blocked Them From Entering FL School During Shooting

BREAKING! EMS Claims Broward Sheriff’s Office Blocked Them From Entering FL School During Shooting

The swamp needs draining. This is a good start.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck