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Starbucks Former CEO Wants To Take On Trump In 2020 – The Libs Aren’t Happy

Remember how Clinton got an assist when Ross Perot jumped in as an Independent? The Left is afraid of the same thing happening to their 2020 hopes.

The (former) CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, has indicated that if he runs for President — and he’s considering it — he would do so as a Centrist Independent.

Why is that dangerous to the Left, in particular? He’s the CEO of Starbucks. Nobody really thinks he’s anything but left-of-center socially. But he’s banging a drum about the dangerous levels of US debt.

This could split the Left’s base between the true-blue socialist psychos, and the run-of-the-mill Liberal, and with the Politicians tracking so hard to the left, this leaves a lot of room for Democrats who would say — like Reagan did back in the 60’s — “I didn’t leave the Democratic party, the Democratic Party left me.”

He might pull some votes from Trump, but mostly, the Coffee Tycoon would pull support from his more natural allies on the left.

What would that mean for Trump?

Simple — the same thing it meant for Bill Clinton. He’d face a lower numerical threshold to hit that magic number in any one state. Close states races and even states where he trails slightly could tilt in Trump’s favor.

As if to prove the point:

Schultz, a lifelong Democrat, would run under the theory that the answer to the political division in the country right now is moving away from party politics. There’s little evidence to support that, as people report being more polarized and partisan, devoted to their own party and demonizing the other. For all the prominent Republicans who say they don’t like Trump, the president’s overall approval numbers among voters within his party remain sky high, according to polls. Schultz would have to persuade millions of them to abandon the party to vote for him, while drawing enough Democratic votes away from a party that is energized and excited about taking out the president.
Source: Atlantic

Establishment Democrats are already ruffled:

“Trump’s strategy has always been divide and conquer, and this plays directly into his hands,” said one Democratic strategist, who was wary of taking on Schultz openly ahead of any announcement. “He’s Ralph Nader without any of Nader’s redeeming qualities. What’s his value proposition for America? Make America like a corporate chain?”
Source: Atlantic

If you thought that run in 2016 was a wild ride, just wait until you see the sequel!

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck