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Trump’s New Slogan, ‘Build The Wall & Crime Will Fall’ Will Send Leftists Into Full-On Hissy Fit

Marketing. It’s something The President is REALLY good at.

Trump gets endless grief for not spitting out ten-dollar words when a simple one will do.

But the same people who have criticized him wonder how he managed to become a Top-tier Real Estate builder, get himself a Hollywood star for his achievements in Entertainment AND rise to the top as a political outsider.

It’s because he is — in his own way — a ‘great communicator’. Go ahead and laugh… like all the rivals who underestimated him.

Seriously. He’s a great communicator… he just has a different niche than what we’re all used to associating with political great communicators. He’s a marketer. He knows Commercials, Soundbites, jingles, slogans.

Twitter was made-to-order for someone who’s lived in the world of marketing and ad copy all his life.

Short sayings, memorable slogans. MAGA hats. They can do what other Republicans before him struggled to do — cut through the Media BS and deliver a memorable message.

And he’s in good company. Even Churchill acknowledges the power of a pithy phrase:

“All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.”

With the government shutdown having already been narrowed to the laser focus of One Single Issue — whether border security, including a physical barrier, WILL or WILL NOT get the required funding — Trump has hit twitter — more than once — with his new slogan.



And there’s even a video in there reminding us all why he’s right.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck