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News Clash

Women’s Rights: Latest UN Nomination Proves They Don’t Care At All

Ask your Feminist coworker how they feel about the UN’s latest staffing decision on their ‘Gender Equality’ department.

Why do we have anything more to do with these scoundrels and knaves? What does the UN even DO anymore besides censure Israel and complain about America?

What useful service does it provide that couldn’t be better served by, say, G7 or even G20 nations getting together?

We thought that having China and Venezuela as representatives on their human rights council was bad enough to justify our withdrawal from that part of the UN…

But with who they’ve chosen to head up their @UN_Women group, it makes us wonder — and not for the first time [Does America Now Have A Moral Obligation to Leave the UN?] — whether we should be giving them a single dime of our money for anything at all, whether we should refuse to recognize UN Diplomatic credentials and whether we should kick the whole lot of them out of that Prime NY real estate in the process.

I wonder what our ClashDaily readers think about this little gem?

What will those thousands of woman that wore their little pink hats to protest Trump do next? Will they suddenly share Trump’s distrust of the UN?

Or will we just see some more ‘Orange Man Bad‘ outrage about… whatever Pelosi or some activist with the bullhorn tells them to be outraged about today?

Are their globalist commitments now so deeply kneejerk reflexive that there’s literally nothing the UN could do to make their lemmings abandon the cause?

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck