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LMAO: Media(D) Claims Irish ‘Beto’ Addressed Crowd In ‘His Native Spanish’

His Spanish is about as ‘native’ as Elizabeth Warren.

The AP just got busted for kissing Robert O’Rourke’s a$$. And their attempt to hide their mistake failed miserably.

How desperate are these media hacks to give this Irish son-in-law of a Billionaire some ‘intersectional street cred’, anyway?

Media(D), PartisanPress and Presstitutes.

All of our favorite derogatory nicknames for the ‘reliable’ media have proven true once again.

Will Weissert wrote a puff piece about ‘Beto’. Weissert fangirled so hard that you might have thought it was written by O’Rourke’s own mother. But he pushed too hard and got caught.

Here’s what the piece says right now… which is cringeworthy enough in its own right.

We have learned not to fear our differences, but to respect and embrace them,” he told a crowd that waved small American flags and black-and-white signs reading “Viva Beto” while often interrupting their candidate to chant his first name. O’Rourke also spoke at length in Spanish, eliciting loud and sustained cheers. — AP

But that isn’t what it ORIGINALLY Said. Newsbusters caught wind of an earlier version. (Which they found in a Tennessee paper.)

It’s a good thing Newsbusters took a screenshot since the Tennessee paper also altered the text without issuing any notice of correction.

Native Spanish, eh?

Why would they write that and then so quickly backpedal from it?

Could it point to an embarrassing admission of bias?


It was probably an honest mistake. Maybe he just happens to speak flawless Spanish. It could happen, after all, he’s from El Paso, right?

“Native Spanish?” Sorry, AP, but Beto is an American-born, fourth-generation Irish-American. He doesn’t seem ever to have lived in a Spanish-speaking country. His native language is inglés–sorry, English.

This tweet contains a clip of Beto speaking Spanish in an interview with Jorge Ramos. Truly native Spanish speakers will immediately note that whereas Beto speaks well, he has a noticeable American accent and that his grammar and syntax are far from perfect.
Source: Mark Finkelstein, NewsBusters

Watch Beto’s ‘native Spanish’ speech here:

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck