WATCH What These Illegal Aliens Put Their KIDS Through At The Border

Are these the kinds of ‘families’ that Democrats don’t want us to split up? American parents forfeit their kids for far less than this.
But in the eyes of the Media(D) these people can do no wrong. They’re ‘just so very desperate’.
Pay no attention to the fact that we’re seeing reports of parents renting out their kids to smugglers as a way for border-jumpers to game the system and get released with a promise to appear. The risks associated with sneaking kids across an international border cannot be overstated.
On Monday a South Texas sheriff announced the discovery of a 11-year-old Guatemalan boy’s body about a mile from the border. Cuellar said the discovery of the boy’s body reinforces just how perilous the journey is into the US. — Source: CBS
And now, here is video footage of young kids crossing the border illegally:
There are multiple different clips in the video, including one that is underwater and through razor wire. Notice the sound of children crying.
That’s some real ‘parent of the year award’ stuff there.
At least in King Solomon’s Day, the real parent could be distinguished from the bogus one by an unwillingness to put their own flesh and blood in harm’s way. Sadly, that is not the case here. But Americans are the problem… right?
Children are being used by dishonest adults as a free pass into America. It’s time to change the laws to end this perverse incentive.
The Democrats could stop this tomorrow if they wanted to. But they aren’t here to help these children, they’re here to exploit them politically. Why else would they push for fewer beds, and brag about bullying Wells Fargo to stop loaning money to companies who build shelters for these border-jumpers to be safely detained in? Looking at YOU, AOC!
If you’re wondering what was said in the footage, here is a partial transcript:
“Return back!” the agent yells in one of two Customs and Border Protection videos released Tuesday that show how dramatic and dangerous migrant crossings into the U.S. can be when involving small children.
“Don’t do that! Look at the child!” the agent yells in the Dec. 18 video as smugglers push adults and children through the hole under the wall of metal bollards and past a large coil of razor wire at the border in Yuma, Arizona.
“Hey, careful! Careful with the boy!” the agent off-camera cries in alarm as a man crawls out with the first of two small boys alongside the wire.
…Text included with the video says Mexican authorities responded in the second instance and were able to stop the smuggling attempt that saw the children being carried through the water.
Let’s never forget that the Democrats’ real motives have already been exposed:
The American Law Enforcement agents care more about the wellbeing of these children than the smugglers.
But don’t expect the Left to stop demonizing them. They have an agenda, after all.
The memo from the left-leaning think tank also said that protecting DACA is not only a “moral imperative” but also a “critical component” in winning elections.
“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” the memo read.
It finished, “If Democrats don’t try to do everything in their power to defend Dreamers, that will jeopardize Democrats’ electoral chances in 2018 and beyond.”
Source: FoxNews
Do they not realize that by refusing to stem illegal immigration in instances like this, while the border is — in the words of Obama’s DHS secretary, ‘truly in a crisis’ — the Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot?
People that might have been open to looking at options to regularize illegal aliens until now may start thinking they’re being deliberately ‘worked’ by the Democrats. They could start insisting that border-crashers be unceremoniously dropped back across the Mexican border, one way or another… as Mexico’s problem to deal with.By the way, since Facebook has unpublished ClashDaily’s page, your best bet to keep in the loop is to Subscribe to our ClashDaily Newsletter right here:
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