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Gun Control Failed Again In Denver — Mass Murderers Don’t Obey The Law

I shouldn’t have to remind the media of the obvious, but mass murderers break the law. The 17 and 18-year-old murderers broke many laws, both before and during their attack at the STEM School in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. This is important because it means that passing more restrictive laws won’t stop the next mass murderers since they too are willing to break the law. We have to wonder why we have these gun laws when they fail all the time. I hope that is glaringly obvious, but let me explain it to those who have doubts.

The two attackers smashed their way into a locked gun cabinet to steal the guns they used. Yes, safe storage laws failed to stop mass murder. This is the rule rather than the exception, since virtually all criminals get their guns illegally. Why do we have safe-storage requirements if they don’t stop criminals and mass murderers?

It is illegal for a 17-year-old be in possession of a handgun. There are exceptions if the teens are accompanied by the gun owners and taking part in prescribed activities. I checked the law in Colorado, and mass murder is not one of the approved exceptions. That means that putting more age restrictions on law-abiding gun owners won’t stop mass murderers. That shouldn’t come as a surprise since those laws didn’t stop other criminal either.

The murderers took their illegally possessed handguns guns into the 1000 foot gun-free-school-zone that is around school property. They murderers took their guns onto school grounds when they drove into the parking lot. They also took their guns into school buildings. Each of those acts was illegal for them to do. Gun control laws didn’t stop mass murderers any better than the laws stop ordinary criminals from breaking the law.

The murderers hid their guns as they entered the campus. That is illegal without a concealed carry license. Criminals and mass murderers are not willing to sit through classes and pay fees to get a carry permit. Our gun laws stop law-abiding people from carrying guns, but law-abiding people were never the problem in the first place.

The two attackers committed several counts of aggravated assault and battery. They committed murder and several counts of attempted murder. You don’t care about breaking lessor laws when you intend to commit mass murder. Who thought that murderers would obey our gun laws?


These mass murderers stole the guns they used, so they never bothered to apply for a background check. Mandatory purchase-waiting-periods don’t stop murderers. Mandatory safety classes before a gun purchase don’t stop murderers. One-gun-a-month restrictions don’t stop murderers either because murderers don’t buy their guns from gun shops. Only law-abiding gun owners do that. Why do we think mass murderers and criminals will start obeying these laws in the future?

We have to ask the obvious question since these gun-control laws don’t work. Were these laws designed to stop murderers, or to disarm the law-abiding? We’ve seen these laws fail time after time. Given that history of failure, I can’t believe the politicians who call for more gun control today.

Some people obey the law and some people break it.
Which type is disarmed by gun control?

Licensed concealed carry holders are the most law abiding and non-violent people on the planet. Gun control politicians want them disarmed and kept out of schools. Our children are too important to be used as pawns by politicians.


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Rob Morse

Rob Morse works and writes in Southwest Louisiana. He writes at Ammoland, at his Slowfacts blog, and here at Clash Daily. Rob co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast, and hosts the Self-Defense Gun Stories Podcast each week.