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A Tale of Two Relatives Turned Murderers

Last month I wrote about a man in the Seattle area who shot his daughter to death after an argument over installing a baby gate for his grandson. This week I will focus on two family matters that turned deadly.

The first incident involves a 25-year-old woman in Sydney, Australia named Jessica Camilleri who decapitated her mother after an argument in front of Jessica’s 4-year-old nephew. Afterward, Jessica went to a neighbor’s house covered in blood and told the neighbor that she had killed her mother.

The head of her mother, 57-year-old Rita Camilleri, was found on a nearby sidewalk.

According to statements given by the police, it appears that Jessica used several knives to carry out the grisly deed. Meanwhile, her nephew had sustained a minor head injury and had to be hospitalized.

When Jessica appeared in court, she said she was unable to move her fingers properly or wash the blood off. She also said she was in agony over the incident, and claimed to have mental health issues.

It is yet to be determined what the argument between Jessica and her mother was about, as authorities are still investigating the incident.

The second incident involves a California woman named Andrea Torralba (age 20), and her boyfriend David Villa (age 21) who have been charged with the murder of Torralba’s infant son Diego. According to the police statement, Andrea and David suffocated Diego until he was unconscious, just one day after she gave birth to him.

Records indicate that both Andrea and David were born in Mexico, and the citizenship status of both individuals is yet to be determined.

Doctors attempted to revive Diego for ten hours before declaring him dead.

The police statement also said that Andrea did not want the baby, and that David was not the father.
Both individuals were charged with assault of a child resulting in death.

Both Andrea Torralba and David Villa should wind up on death row for their crime, but unfortunately, California’s Governor Gavin Newsom has put a halt to executions in that state.

If both of them are here illegally, then they need to be deported ASAP. I should add that this tragedy is all the more reason to build the wall.

And I believe the death penalty needs to be reinstated in California.

By the way, Australia has also done away with the death penalty.

Andrew Linn

Andrew Linn is a member of the Owensboro Tea Party and a former Field Representative for the Media Research Center. An ex-Democrat, he became a Republican one week after the 2008 Presidential Election. He has an M.A. in history from the University of Louisville, where he became a member of the Phi Alpha Theta historical honors society. He has also contributed to and Right Impulse Media.