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VIDEO: Trump BANNED Epstein From Mar-A-Lago — Someone Tell CNN

To hear the PartisanPress spin it, you’d think the Epstein story is MOST dangerous to … Trump? Here’s why that’s certifiably INSANE.

Forget that he’s a Billionaire Democrat donor who took 20+ trips with Bill Clinton (including several without the usual Secret Service accompaniment).

Forget that his Wikipedia entry was busted for desperately scrubbing any references to prominent Democrats from his record.

Forget that even Pelosi’s daughter — a strategic advisor for the Dems — has been honest enough to acknowledge that some of their ‘faves’ will be implicated in this story. The Media(D) have been busy grasping at any straw they can to find some way to smear Trump by connecting him to this story. There’s only one problem with that — Trump threw his sorry ass out of Mar-A-Lago a long time ago.

Reportedly, it was for allegations of mistreatment of women on site. So says a guy who literally wrote the book on Epstein, and interviewed the employee who worked in the spa.

So let’s recap — Trump has a track record of standing up to Epstein in the defense of women.

Meanwhile, people like B.J.Clinton maintain that they don’t know anything about it, depending on what your definition of ‘is’ is. Or something like that.

For all the endless accusations of misogyny, why is their Republican whipping-boy for the ‘systematic mistreatment of women’ the only one who’s got a documented history of putting a gross rich guy in his place?

Could it be that he was one of the few people who wasn’t kissing up to him and afraid to make an enemy of a powerful rich Democrat donor?

Maybe that’s why we don’t trust the DC swamp — and why ‘flyover country’ sent someone to DC who couldn’t be bought for financial or electoral favors.

Maybe that’s the real reason the Left hates him so.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck