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LMAO: Jimmy Kimmel Live! Fined $395,000 Over Anti-Trump ‘Presidential Alert’ Skit

It looks like Jimmy Kimmel CAN still do comedy — but only when he’s the butt of the joke.

Do you remember when the Presidential Alert system was tested back in October 2018?

The alert system is run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to warn Americans of major threats such as natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or missile attacks. The President would be ultimately in charge of ordering FEMA to activate the system in the event of a national emergency.

Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEAs) can be sent by state and local public safety officials, the National Weather Service, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children as well as the president of the United States. They look like text messages, but are designed to alert people with a unique sound and vibration.

On the same day of the test, October 3, 2018, comedian-turned-Democrat-propaganda-mouthpiece, Jimmy Kimmel’s late-night talk show aired a skit mocking the Presidential Alert system and President Trump’s possible use of it. In the process, the show violated Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations. The skit mimicked the alert tone three times but broadcasters are not permitted to simulate the tone for several reasons. In doing so, Jimmy Kimmel Live! breached the FCC broadcasting rules.

Under FCC rules, broadcasters are barred from mimicking the warning system “to avoid confusion when the tones are used, alert fatigue among listeners, and false activation”.

ABC admitted to broadcasting the alert on 3 October 2018, but said it did so under the impression that “use of the tone was permissible”.

The skit shows a family in their car who become distressed when they realize that President Trump is misusing the Presidential Alert system to spread his tweets to all Americans. The messages then cause an explosive reaction of Trump Derangement Syndrome™ with utter chaos caused by the Trump Alerts.

Watch the skit:

Look at those people in the skit going crazy over Trump messages. They’re breaking their phones, abandoning their cars and children, and even cutting off their own hands instead of removing their watches. Truly, Trump Derangement Syndrome™ is pathetic.

It would seem that even the most avowed leftists find TDS hilarious.

Finally! We’ve found something that we all agree on!

Jimmy Kimmel Live! wasn’t the only one to use the Presidential Alert sound, but the fine is particularly steep in comparison.

Separately, AMC Networks, Discovery and Meruelo have agreed to pay civil fines for broadcasting the presidential alert in programmes.

The penalties agreed are $104,000 (£86,000) for AMC; $68,000 (£57,000) for Discovery; and $67,000 (£55,000) for Meruelo, the FCC said.

Source: BBC

The test was mandated in a 2015 law, the IPAWS Modernization Act, and is to be conducted at least every three years.

Does this mean that Kimmel’s show would have produced a skit mocking the system had Hillary become president? That would’ve been easy enough — they could just have everyone smash their phone with a hammer.

Jimmy Kimmel being fined for violating FCC regulations is hilarious. Frankly, it’s likely the funniest thing that’s happened with his show for years.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker