MOCKING POCAHONTAS: Trump’s Favorite Meme-Maker Hammers Elizabeth Warren

Pocahontas had a short clip of her (literally) running at one of her campaign stops. It would be a real shame if someone used it to mock her, eh?
There is something about Elizabeth Warren that just cries out for mocking. It’s nice to see that she hasn’t faded in the polls quite yet, and that we can still give her the disrespect she so richly deserves.
After all, if a Harvard Professor is willing to lie to us and malign a cop who had been exonerated by Obama’s DOJ as a ‘murderer’, how seriously SHOULD we take her?
You remember that, don’t you? Brit Hume called her out on it, since the Left sure wasn’t going to.
I don’t know which is worse: that she still believes this, or that she knows it’s false and says it anyway. And why is the officer’s race an issue? Not even the Obama Justice Dept. concluded there was a murder.
— Brit Hume (@brithume) August 10, 2019
All her pandering, promises and personal attacks against the character of conservatives is getting tedious.
It’s nice to have a little levity to break up the monotony.
There was a little video clip of her running at a campaign stop. Totally staged, of course.
Carpe Donktum put his own little spin on it. First, he set it to some appropriate music … the Chariots of Fire theme.
Then he added something that captured the spirit of her campaign.
You know that odd tradition the UK has where they roll a cheese wheel down a steep hill, and a crowd of people flies down the hill trying to catch it?
Yeah, he used that.
It was delicious.
Here are a few memes we’ve enjoyed in the Trump Era:
- ‘ORANGE MAN BAD’: Perfect Video Showcases How Liberals Have Become Brainwashed Zombies
- This ‘1/1024’ Meme Could Be The FUNNIEST Damn Fauxcahontas Meme EVER!
- Watch: The Best Of The Great CNN Meme War
- LMAO: ‘Creepy’ Uncle Joe Biden Memes Are Making A Comeback — Just In Time For 2020
- HILARIOUS: Share This Meme With Morons Who PRAISE Socialism – It’s BRUTAL
- The P*SSIES Over At Twitter Are Terrified Of This New MEME – And They Should Be
We’d forgotten about this one. It’s more serious but makes a great point.
We’ve all seen the dishonest games the left have played with the power they’re entrusted with, they’re obviously unworthy of that trust.
But what about 2020? Could a moral person pull a lever for Trump with their integrity intact? Would Jesus himself vote for Trump? We’re glad you asked. There’s a brand new book that covers precisely that question:
“Would Jesus Vote For Trump?” by Doug Giles and Brandon Vallorani.
Would Jesus ever choose someone, with a less than stellar past, to be a leader? Would Jesus be cool with how Trump blasts CNN, The Left, and his feckless ‘compadres’ on The Right? What about Health Care? Would the Great Physician give Trump’s opposition to ObamaCare the ‘two thumbs up?’ Find out in this BEST-SELLER!
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