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Hasbro’s New ‘Ms. Monopoly’ Game Attempts To CLOSE The ‘Gender Pay Gap’ Using Affirmative Action

Wouldn’t a game where some players benefit simply because of their gender be considered sexist?

That depends on which gender it is, apparently.

This version isn’t sexist, it’s “empowering.”

The new female-centered version of Monopoly called Ms. Monopoly aims to celebrate women entrepreneurs. Instead of buying property as in the original, players purchase inventions that were created by women. The character in the game is the entrepreneurial niece of the original Monopoly’s mascot, Mr. Monopoly.

Although celebrating the entrepreneurial spirit of women is a good thing, it’s the implementation that is getting criticism. The Ms. Monopoly box boldly proclaims, “The first game where women make more than men.” Female players start the game with $400 more than male players. The ladies also get $240 when they pass go while the guys collect the usual $200.

In Ms. Monopoly, women start with $1,900 in Monopoly money, while men get just $1,500, according to USA Today, which was first with the news Tuesday of the revamped classic game. Women also get more moolah when passing “Go” throughout the competition.

“With all of the things surrounding female empowerment, it felt right to bring this to Monopoly in a fresh new way,” Jen Boswinkel, Hasbro Gaming’s senior director of global brand strategy and marketing, told the paper. “It’s giving the topic some relevancy to everyone playing it that everybody gets a turn, and this time women get an advantage at the start.”

“Ms. Monopoly was created to inspire everyone, young and old as it spotlights women who have challenged the status quo,” Hasbro said in a statement.

Source: The Hill

Hasbro’s idea of dealing with the so-called ‘Gender Pay Gap’ using affirmative action is incredibly condescending. It implies that women cannot get ahead without a handout and contributes to the phenomenon of women blaming The Patriarchy for their problems. Paradoxically, this game highlights inventions by women that became household names on their own merit — a dishwasher, a bulletproof vest, shapewear, and chocolate chip cookies.

The launch video posted by Hasbro highlights three female inventors in their teens who are working on projects like a device to test the lead in drinking water, another to test the level of harmful dyes in soft drinks and other sweets, and one to detect sinkholes before they collapse.

It has been repeatedly pointed out that it seems hypocritical for Hasbro to celebrate “female entrepreneurship” when a woman who had invented a “progressive” version of the game didn’t see a penny of the profits from Monopoly.

As is becoming increasingly well-known, the original inspiration for Monopoly was a game called The Landlord’s Game, one that was designed to spread the gospel of progressive 19th century economist Henry George. Though Lizzie Magie patented The Landlord’s Game in 1904, Charles Darrow presented a bastardized version as his own invention and went on to make millions from the sale of Monopoly to game company Parker Brothers.

Source: Vice

So far, it’s getting mixed reviews.

Satire account, Titania McGrath, has a hilariously “woke” take on it:

Hasbro has made many variants of Monopoly. There are variants for television shows, movies, and even video games.

The Monopoly for Millennials is a tongue-in-cheek version of the original where you don’t invest in real estate “because you can’t afford it anyway” and you have to pay back student loan debt.

Recently, Twitter was abuzz with the release of Monopoly Socialism which mocks the ideology by highlighting the inherent flaws in that political system. CNN’s report included that the game was panned by a historian focused on Japan and East Asia as being “inaccurate.”

What do you think of Ms. Monopoly?’s, Editor-In-Chief, Doug Giles how-to book:

Raising Righteous & Rowdy Girls

In ‘Raising Righteous and Rowdy Girls’, Doug Giles reinforces the notion that little women don’t need to be pampered by their fathers to turn out right. And having met his beautiful daughters, I know his philosophy works. As a strong-willed woman who thinks her daddy is the greatest guy in the world, I can tell you this is a must-read for every man who hopes to earn the same title. —-S.E. Cupp Best Selling Author & Fox News Analyst

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker