WATCH: Angry Vegan SUES Neighbors For Barbecuing In THEIR Backyard

She says that they’re intentionally cooking meat outside to upset her. Here’s the 411…
Veganism is on the rise, and sometimes these folks can be real nutters. (It could be the lack of Vitamin B-12, the brain shrinkage, or the tendency to leftism, but that’s neither here nor there.)
Cilla Carden, an Australian vegan woman, has launched a lawsuit against her neighbors because she cannot stand the aroma of barbecuing meat wafting into her backyard. She believes that they are intentionally cooking meat outside in order to provoke her.
Carden, hailing from Girrawheen, Perth, told 9News, “They’ve put it there so I smell fish, all I can smell is fish. I can’t enjoy my backyard, I can’t go out there,” she added, “it’s deliberate, that’s what I told the courts, it’s deliberate.”
Shockingly, she has taken this frivolous lawsuit all the way to the Supreme Court of Western Australia.
Outdoor grilling isn’t the only complaint that she has against her neighbors. Nor is it just one family that bothers her. She has complaints against two of her neighbors. She’s sought legal orders to stop what she considers “nuisance” behavior — the aforementioned barbecuing, but also smoking, and having children who play outside.
She wants them to change their lives so that she can enjoy her backyard.
Carden issued a list of demands that include silencing their pets, replacing plants, and reducing patio lighting.
The vegan issued a list of demands that included orders for a family living next door, as well as another neighbour, to reduce patio lighting, silence their pets and replace plants in the common garden.
She also alleged that wafting smells such as cigarettes and barbecues caused “undue offence” to her.
Source: Evening Standard
Carden says that she is not the problem, “I’m a good person. I just want peace and quiet.”
The state court had disagreed with Carden and said that her neighbors were “living in their backyard and home as a family” and rejected her request for a hearing.
The State Administrative Tribunal of Western Australia rejected her demands in a case hearing in February.
The tribunal said: “The Tribunal does not accept that the parents, by allowing their children to play in the backyard… use the patio for small scooters or toys, constitutes reasonably a nuisance.
“What they are doing is living in their backyard and their home as a family.”
Source: Evening Standard
This led her to take her case to the Supreme Court.
But a Supreme Court Judge and the State Administrative Tribunal have sided with her neighbours, dismissing her case.
Her request to appeal the decisions has also been refused.
Source: 9News
So far the courts have sided with Carden’s neighbors.
But, Carden insists that she is going to keep fighting.
Could it be that she’s just really, really hangry? (Hungry + angry)
Do you know what might fix that?
A little meat protein.
Just sayin’…
Get Doug Giles’ book, Rise, Kill and Eat: A Theology of Hunting from Genesis to Revelation today!
If a person looked to Scripture and paid particular attention to the passages within the Bible that address the topic of hunting, then they’d walk away thinking not only is hunting animals tolerated but it is endorsed by God. And that’s exactly what this little book is about: proving that God, from Genesis to Revelation, is extremely cool with hunters and hunting. I’ll go out on a biblical limb and claim right off the bat that you cannot show me, through the balance of the Bible, that the God of the Scripture is against the responsible killing and the grilling of the animals He created. ~Doug Giles
In his killer new book RISE, KILL & EAT: A Theology of Hunting From Genesis to Revelation Doug carries on with his courageous war against the lunatic fringe who dare recommend Bambi solutions to the annual production of edible wildlife. –Ted Nugent