EXPOSED: Ilhan Omar’s Not-So-Secret DOUBLE LIFE With Tim Mynett

Secret hookups, living together off and on, romantic vacations, and talks of marriage… is THIS how a devout married Muslim woman behaves?
For everyone saying that it’s not fair to bring up her religion — tough.
She wears a turban and before that a hijab. She has boldly declared herself a Muslim member of Congress. She is proud of it. Is it unreasonable to ask if she is adhering to the moral teachings of the religion that she holds so dear?
That seems reasonable to me — especially since she’s had so much relationship drama in her past that she refuses to clear up. We still don’t know for certain who the heck Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, the British citizen that she married in 2009 is. She spent months denying that she and current husband, Ahmed Hirsi were separated, despite living in a swanky penthouse apartment in Minneapolis.
This is just one more thing that she refuses to acknowledge publicly, but it looks as though Rep. Ilhan Omar(D-MN) and Tim Mynett’s relationship is an open secret.
A Daily Mail investigation reports that the pair aren’t just dating — they have been photographed going into and out of a D.C. apartment that they share when Omar is in town. A source reveals that they are planning a romantic getaway to Jamaica and are talking about marriage when their respective divorces are finalized.
They are careful to not be seen entering or leaving together, but it’s clear that this is their Washington “love nest.”
Ilhan Omar’s brazen double life involving secret hookups, romantic vacations and talk of marriage to her DC strategist lover is today laid bare after an exclusive investigation.
The leftist congresswoman, 37, spent months denying she had split from husband Ahmed Hirsi despite this website revealing she had left their marital home and was having an affair with a campaign aide.
She finally filed for divorce on October 7 – but still refuses to acknowledge her relationship with veteran Democratic schmoozer Tim Mynett, 38, whose wife also petitioned for divorce in August. can now disclose that Omar and Mynett are not only dating, but living together ‘on and off’ at a secret DC apartment, while plotting romantic vacations to Jamaica and making plans for a long-term future together.
This seems to fit with the claims in the divorce filing by Beth Mynett, Tim Mynett’s estranged wife who said that she was shocked when he requested a divorce after making a “shocking declaration of love” for Ilhan Omar in April. She also claims that his recent trips with Rep. Omar are not for “business” but to further their relationship. In addition, Beth Mynett said that she was very upset to learn that Rep. Omar had been introduced to the son she and Tim have together and then brought back to the Mynett family home while she was out of town.
He disputes the claim countering that his soon-to-be ex-wife is trying to “ruin his career” and that he’s leaving the 7-year marriage because he was unhappy.
No one is buying that.
The Mynett divorce is going to be quite the wild one, it seems. Beth Mynett is seeking sole custody of their son because she is concerned about his safety due to the death threats that Rep. Ilhan Omar has received.
A well-placed source told ‘Tim is still pretending there is nothing going on but neither of them are fooling anyone.
‘Omar is an elected representative, she is supposed to be transparent and truthful. She needs to be honest about why she’s leaving her marriage and breaking up another one.
‘Right now they are more or less living together whenever she is in DC. They say they travel as business associates when they are staying in the same hotel rooms. They are even planning a romantic vacation at Christmas.
‘The suspicion is that when their divorces are finalized they will quietly decide to make it official. Maybe then the lies, the hypocrisy, all the sneaking around will finally come to an end.’
Source: Daily Mail
Perhaps then there could be an investigation into her campaign finances since she is still paying Mynett for his “political consultation” and his travel.
Are unsuspecting donors to Ilhan Omar’s campaign paying for her to jet around with her current paramour? I’m sure those in Ilhan Omar’s district are very interested in the answer to that particular question — especially the devout Muslims that are already concerned about her morality as well as her ethics.
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