MUST WATCH: Fearless Female Protester BLASTS Beto In NEWTOWN Calling His Gun Control Blather B.S.

Do you want to watch Beto get beaten like a rented mule? Of course you do! Here’s your chance!
Here is ONE chica that is standing up and telling Beto ‘No mas!’
Beto made the mistake of coming to Newton thinking he’d have solid support for his Gun Grabbing Blather — he was NOT ready for what he found when he arrived.
He found a feisty mom who was done with putting up with Democrat bullsh*t, and SAID so.
Nothing stops this fearless protester who interrupts Beto O’Rourke ..
“Bring it on Beto …We’re not taking your bullsh** anymore” Democrats have failed..Shame on you Beto!— Ruthann (@TeaBoots) October 31, 2019
THIS is the kind of ‘Clash’ Spirit we need to see all over America — not just in MAGA or KAG2020 events, but showing up in HOSTILE groups and holding THEIR feet to the fire, showing the bankruptcy of THEIR ideas.
This Newton mom had a lot of good things to say, and wouldn’t sit down and shut up just because she was told to. He dodged her question and she demanded answers, and let him be publicly shamed for his silence. — Here are a few of her many great points crammed into just a few short moments.
— “here to hijack this town and make an issue out of getting the guns out of good people’s hands”
— “No this is bullsh*t. It’s about mental health, it’s about this war on boys and masculinity.”
— “Why don’t you debate me?:
— “Answer my question! Answer my question BETO!”
— “What do you have to say about urban violence? You don’t care.”
— “Democrats have been in charge of urban communities and cities for decades.”
This was raw, visceral voter outrage, and Beto was nothing more than a deer in headlights. He had no answer.
And she dared organizers to remove her.
She’s got more chutzpah than most of our elected officials. Maybe if our elected officials saw more of us stepping up and doing THIS, it would embolden more of them to discover their testicular fortitude.