Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Receives ACLU Award For ‘Courage’

Does anyone remember this hero of the #Resistance?
Last year, Christine Blasey Ford was the name known all across America. She had accused President Trump’s second Supreme Court Justice Nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, — the judge that would tip the balance of the Supreme Court — of attempting to rape her in the early 1980s. There was just one problem; she could not verify her story. The four individuals that she named, including Kavanaugh, denied that there was any party. Blasey Ford couldn’t give a date for the party. She couldn’t even narrow down the year. She couldn’t identify the house, how she got home, who else she spoke with. And she kept this secret for nearly 40 years. Kavanaugh, strangely enough, kept calendars with details of his comings and goings in high school. A strange habit that poked significant holes in Blasey Ford’s credibility.
Nevertheless, the left persisted.
They rallied. They protested. They shouted. They hashtagged.
Women who were victims of sexual assault were quick to #BelieveAllWomen and say that Kavanaugh was guilty because Blasey Ford said he was and because some other man had assaulted them.
Feminist celebrities were agreeing to be arrested at the protest.
Alyssa Milano sat in the courtroom outraged as Brett Kavanaugh defended himself and got emotional as his reputation was being shredded by lawmakers.
But Christine Blasey Ford was shielded from criticism. Questioning her recollection of events was “blaming the victim.” Asking why not a single person could corroborate her story was also a form of victim-blaming. Wondering if her “beach friend” Monica McLean had coached her on how to pass a polygraph was a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory. Raising the three crowdfunding pages that raised approximately $1 million in her name was re-victimizing the woman and stereotyping all women as “gold diggers.” (She used some of the funds for temporary relocation, security services, and a home security system, and committed to donating the “rest” of the money to charities that support trauma survivors.)
But the ACLU, the organization that is supposed to defend civil liberties, thinks that Blasey Ford raising unfounded, uncorroborated accusations in order to destroy a man’s career is “courageous” and gave her an award for it on Sunday night.
In remarks after accepting an award from the American Civil Liberties Union in Southern California, Ford reflected on her experience testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee and said she will continue the work of “protecting sexual assault survivors and preventing sexual assault.”
“I’m thankful that sharing my experience prompted over 200,000 people from across our country and around the world to send messages of support. Many handwritten, sharing their own stories of assault and abuse,” she said. “That’s why it means so much to me not just to be recognized by you tonight, because I know you will continue the work of protecting sexual assault survivors and preventing sexual assault.
She also said during that time she did not feel “courageous.”
“I did one thing — and when I came forward last September, I did not feel courageous. I was simply doing my duty as a citizen, providing information to the Senate that I believed would be relevant to the Supreme Court nomination process,” she said.”I thought anyone in my position would of course do the same thing.”
During her acceptance speech, she said that she had wonderful examples to follow like — Anita Hill who had made scurrilous accusations about Justice Clarence Thomas during his Supreme Court confirmation process.
The ACLU of Southern California is proud to present the Roger Baldwin Courage award to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford for her brave testimony before Congress last year, a shining act of courage. #ACLUhonors #WeBelieveSurvivors pic.twitter.com/8MmUXpdmrB
— ACLU SoCal (@ACLU_SoCal) November 18, 2019
Christine Blasey Ford:
"I was not prepared for the venom, the persistent attacks, the vilification, the loss of personal privacy and the collateral damage to my friends and my family."
More: https://t.co/cWChhALGS6 pic.twitter.com/u5ajPGoJf2
— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) November 19, 2019
“I understood that not everyone would welcome my information, and I was prepared for a variety of outcomes, including being dismissed,” she said. “I was not prepared for the venom, the persistent attacks, the vilification, the loss of personal privacy and the collateral damage to my friends and my family. I was not prepared to be physically threatened, or be forced out of our home for over three months.”
Source: CNN
The left asks what she could have possibly gained by making up a story about attempted sexual assault. The answer is a portion of $1 million, an award, and hero-status on the left. Is that worth it? Maybe if you’re committed to safeguarding SCOTUS from Originalist justices, perhaps it is.
Related articles:
- ‘Believe All Women’? Christine Blasey Ford’s Own Father Supported Kavanaugh Appointment
- WATCH: Christine Blasey Ford’s Lawyer Says That A Motivator Was ‘To Put An Asterisk’ Next To Justice Kavanaugh’s Name
- Senate Judiciary Committee Releases Report Damning To Blasey Ford’s Accusation Against Kavanaugh — Here’s The 411
- Did Ever-So-Credible Blasey Ford Get Caught In A Lie… About Polygraphs?